
It is also estimated that he got over a billion dollars worth of free advertising by way of the media over the last 18 months alone. For a man who has courted the press/media his entire life, phoning in to newspapers about when and where he was going to be somewhere so the paps could take pictures of him, using the

Almost every big entitlement program has needed rule corrections by Congress to make it work properly. But a GOP House would never touch that, so we end up stuck with sub-optimal solutions.

I’m getting concerned about all these reports of women being cajoled into not finishing their bathroom business by the biased media elite...

While Hillary was once giving a primary speech, CNN kept its cameras trained on an empty stage awaiting Trump to enter.

If she’s able to collect a paycheck from that turd, that is a talent.

Trump is saying all this media bias bullshit solely so after he loses he can launch his TV network and say “this is the only place where you will hear the truth” and all his deplorables will follow him. He will make more money, while the rift between realities grows larger and further divides us.

No, she’s just really, really, REALLY good at her job. To go along with anything Trump says, no mater what. That’s what she was hired to do. To spin and be loyal.

I donated $50 to Planned Parenthood last night in her name, after seeing her spew the anti-science BS about late term abortion to Chris Matthews.

Kellyanne Conway might want to have a creative job name for the last 6 months on the resume she should be writing up this morning. She could call it “Political Improv Manager” KSA’s include: Shit Juggling with a Blind Baboon, Trurd Polishing and Being Able to Collect a Paycheck From the Mentality Infirm 

Trump bragged for almost an entire year about all the media coverage he was getting during the primary.

I need to vent: three (that’s 3) of my family members have posted some version of “LOL she said ‘Bagdaddy’” on Facebook. I am BARELY holding myself back from telling them that if they weren’t so ignorant, they’d know she was talking about the leader of ISIS. You know, the reason why they don’t want Muslims to enter

As the lady friend of a Mexican man, I beg your permission to borrow this idea

This is next level weapons grade trolling here.

Your comment made me laugh out loud. Thank you for putting a huge smile on my post debate furious face.

Said it before, and I’ll say it again. Trump has really opened the sluice-gates of hate speech/action.

Guys, my (Latino) husband doesn’t know it yet because he’s not home, but our couples Halloween costume is now Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre, this nightmare election is finally giving me something useful.

I’m hoping he loses bigly.

Guarantee the only reason one hasn’t come forward is because of the shitstorm that would rain down her life from conservatives

He has no self control whatsoever.