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Are we seriously at the point where we’re doing Simpsons jokes IRL? Really?

I have been reliably informed by my cats that the correct way to feed them is “Constantly”


Perfect for drinking whiskey and chain smoking while thinking about the trouble with the mob that dame got you into when she walked into your office.

Duluth MN is even better, largest lake by surface area in the world. Can’t get hit by an ocean wave when you’re over a thousand miles from the nearest ocean.

Back when restaurants in my area still allowed smoking there was a rib joint where they had live music. The owner wanted to avoid the “smoke filled jazz bar” atmosphere that might drive away non-smoking patrons, so he dropped the money on an HVAC system that at full capacity could do a full exchange every 15 minutes.

You really should check out the video essay linked in the article. The studio fucked Jackson over Hard when he came back on board to direct. Toss out all of Del Toro’s work, no pre production at all, expand it to three movies so we can make more money. Even Roger Corman couldn’t have made that work.

Good, there was no way that the model they were going with was in any way sustainable.

I play Pokemon go and for the most part once I’ve gotten a given mon and evolved it I tend to go “Meh” when I see another one in the wild. I even lose interest in legendaries once they’re in my pokedex, but Eevee? I always, always have time for an Eevee.

I was being a bit glib granted, but my point was that one of these films had a significant cultural impact in the long term and the other didn’t. Kramer vs Kramer had fine acting and struck a nerve at the time, but that was about it. Same thing with Raging Bull and Ordinary People, one is in the national film registry

While I’m not convinced that Star Wars was best picture material, I’d be very OK with that. Woody Allen is the most over rated director and actor in history and I’d rather be pepper sprayed repeatedly than subject myself to watching him on-screen.

In my ideal world the Oscars would operate on at least a 5 year delay if not a full decade delay. Going year by year is not enough time to tell if a given film actually was “the best movie of the year” or just a critical darling that nobody will remember or care about in 5 years.

I understood that reference.

For reasons that will never adequately be explained my mother bought me a slide rule along with my other school supplies for 1st grade. This would have been in 1976 and even then I never used the thing or even knew how to use it. Of course now I wish I had the damn thing just because.

I haven’t picked up any Heinlein in a very long time (probably 20 years) because I’m afraid he’s aged even worse than Asimov. Perfectly content to say that his works were a big part of my introduction to the genre when I was a teen but that I’ve moved on.

I think in the modern day his short fiction is the most readable because nobody expects character development in a short story about another interesting way a robot can go off the rails.

Yeah, I’m wondering that as well. While I’ll always be fond of Asimov because his books were part of my formative years, his writing really hasn’t aged well in terms of characters in general and female characters in particular. Even his male protagonists are pretty much just vehicles for Asimov’s big ideas. He’s a

For Star Trek but not Star Fleet I want to see a show about a tramp freighter and it’s crew. We know merchants exist in-universe so there’s obviously something to trade despite the setting being post-scarcity. (Luxury items, hand made stuff and fresh foods would be my guesses.) You’d have the question of what would

The one time I ate at Hooters the food was forgettable and I felt bad for the waitresses, not least because at one point the manager cued up some dance music and all of them had to drop what they were doing and go gyrate in the windows for like a minute and a half. Who the fuck thought THAT was a good idea?