
Bonus points if one of the redesigns is just humans wearing klingon uniforms and groucho marx fake nose & glasses. And that’s the season with the most serious klingon storyline.

They also admitted to not understanding why Trump is so unpopular

They should have given him a 90s style mullet. Nobody would have even noticed the mustache. 

They could make it work if they established that the symboite, being alien, is just plain terrible at human verbal intimidation. Like it’s just pulling random “stuff that’s bad” from Eddie’s brain and piecing it together, resulting in lines like that.

My favorite one so far is the guy who’s a passenger and his friends convince him to get out and dance alongside the car while taking his clothing off and tossing it into the car. They get him down to underwear and socks and then of course they punch it and drive away because that’s just what friends do when you’re

As an Old, I got into comics because they were available in supermarkets, drug stores & 7-11, and were cheap enough that my parents were willing and able to buy a stack so I could read in the back of the car. There are obviously other factors involved and other things vying for kid’s attention these days, but still

For guys like him the whole point of building a company and acquiring vast wealth is so they can be an asshole without anyone being able to stop them. And now here the rest of the world goes changing the rules and saying that being a gaping shit sphincter still has consequences even if you’re rich, no wonder they’re

I want to either be a garden hermit or be rich enough to have a huge “wild” garden and employ someone to hermit in it.

Just start the next season with everyone coming back from her funeral. “I can’t believe how fast mom went after the early onset dementia was diagnosed.”

Sure, just leave Yojimbo off your list, that’s just fine. (It’s not fine)

I’ve been fiddling with an RPG setting where mutation and superpowers are directly correlated with long term exposure to pollution and toxins in the environment, so the majority of super powered individuals come from poverty stricken slums and not the middle class like we often see in comics.

I want to release a 100% historically accurate FPS where every uniform, scrap of ground and weapon is a perfect recreation of the original. You can’t use weapons or vehicles that you’re not trained in, there’s no targeting help or ammo tracker, fear and adrenaline fucks up your accuracy exactly as in real life, and oh

He needs to be one of the judges on the reality show.

Sadly this image will apparently never go out of style.

That was before France officially adopted the law of gravity, so she just floated down. Belgium adopted it in 1887, so if she had tried it on their side of the border she would have plummeted to her death, well known fact.

See I was going to say Greyhound or Megabus because honestly a mutated alligator in a trenchcoat wouldn’t even break the top ten in the ongoing “bad long distance bus seatmates” contest, but an uber is also a strong possibility if the driver really didn’t want to risk a one star review.

I signed up to be the neighborhood watch block captain primarily because I wanted to deprive a fox news watching retired guy the opportunity.

Just 90 minutes of Jason wandering around the empty camp crystal lake, sitting on a log sharpening his weapons, practicing popping out from behind things, one scene where he does the “risky business” slide through the living room of a cabin, more waiting, checking the Instagram accounts of the teens who are coming to