
Although the actual scenes went on way too long, I like the idea of podracing because let’s face it, podracing is the sport a bunch of earth rednecks would come up with if they had access to the contents of a Star Wars junkyard.

OK, but understand that the distance between cars is your reaction time in the event of an emergency, and if you’re tailgating me then I need to increase the distance between my car and the car in front of me in order to compensate for your lack of reaction time because I don’t want your car up my ass. I’m going to be

“The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next

That’s the most frustrating thing, when he’s not being mean spirited or writing shock value for the sake of shock value he’s done amazing stuff.

Tragically yes, I’ve seen it.

I have a real love-hate relationship with The Boys, interesting concept but Garth Ennis was allowed to be well, too Garth Ennis in it’s execution. I enjoy his work but he has some real authorial tics that need to be reined in for his work to be at it’s best. Hitman is one of my all time favorite comics, (Featuring one

Sadly, opportunities to use that image come up so often these days that I have it saved to my desktop.

The whole “The bodies were found near graffiti of a smiley face” thing reminds me of a book I recently saw about the “Lost continent of Pan” in which the first “evidence” the author puts forth is a list of existing words and place names that have “pan” somewhere in them.

No you should not eat the brie rind, you should give it to me to... Dispose of.

“Oh My God, Agent N is the mole!”

More proof that we are living in the darkest timeline.

If it can be arranged I can highly recommend “Cat curled up on the pillow above your head so you’re basically wearing them like a hat, but not in an uncomfortable way” warmth. Super cozy.

There are more than 5 people in my workplace who play Pokemon go, if you have terrible taste then so do I.

I get where they’re coming from both in wanting to critique the idea of an idealistic utopia and from a writer’s perspective wanting to create challenges and conflict, but I still kinda don’t like it. I have pages worth of thoughts and strong opinions about the “Hard men making hard choices” trope, but in the end I jus

Today I was playing a guy I normally beat 5 times out of 7, I made an early error and got my ass kicked because of it.

I play chess every couple of weeks at the library where I work, and the gulf between amateur players like myself and the pros is just mind boggling

It’d be somewhat less of a problem if the publisher didn’t plaster his name in giant type across every reprint including the ones he didn’t contribute to except as editor.

As long as Eevee rides around on my head, I’m good.

It’s been ages since I read the manga but I’m sure you’re right. Thing is that not every piece of dialog translates well from page to screen, particularly when it comes to comic books. What seems fine when read can be awkward or stilted when spoken out loud. It’s kinda the screenwriter’s job to make the transition

Am I the only one who has zero issues with the eyes but is cringing at the dialogue? Because that’s some some serious hack level writing on display.