Come to Minnesota. More progressive (at least the cities) all the fried cheese curds and micro-brew beer you could ask for, and a really good food scene in general. (again, in the cities)
Come to Minnesota. More progressive (at least the cities) all the fried cheese curds and micro-brew beer you could ask for, and a really good food scene in general. (again, in the cities)
The Right be like
It’s not just millennials, my wife and I have a couple of mismatched sets of corelle dishes and a couple of sets of silverware, one of which is my wife’s cheap set from college 25+ years ago. Last year her mom visited for a week, and that Christmas she very subtlety gave us a nice set of silverware, which we promptly…
Exactly. I have no problem tossing a few bucks at a free-to-play game to directly buy something I want, but I have a huge problem with both buying loot boxes in general and micro transactions in a game I went out and paid money for.
Back when the film was hot and everything I remember either reading or hearing about a couple of 13-14 year old girls who were being interviewed because they had gone to see it some absurd number of times. One of them said something along the lines of “Jack had to die because it’s a romance and everything after the…
Don’t tell me how to live my life.
Yeah, the last time we tried Pizza hut I found the sauce unbearably sweet, and the best thing that could be said of the sausage was that it was probably part of some kind of animal at some point.
There was a local Jewish deli that had been in the family for a couple of generations and maintained fantastic food quality. In 2000 when it went to the next generation they collectively said “You know what, we all have other careers and we’re not going to be able to maintain the quality from afar.” and closed it on a…
Well they didn’t find a gun on him, and we all know that black men are always armed and dangerous, so it’s only logical that he must have been hiding another black guy carrying two guns up his butt. As soon as they let their guard down the second black guy would leap out of his butt and give him one of the guns, and…
I wish I could remember which Tom Clancy book it was, but in one of his earlier ones I recall a conversation between two characters while they were watching a football game. One of them was IIRC English and he was musing about how well behaved american football fans at the stadium were. He was in disbelief that they…
“Lada does anything including staying perfectly stationary, goes bad very quick.”
The really dicey bit will be when he crosses the Russian border and is instantly t-boned by a Lada running a red light.
That show did an amazing job of actually making me feel a tiny bit of sympathy for Hitler (within the context of them being in hell.) I’m fascinated to see where they go from here and what he does now that he’s out and on the run. It’s been said that every villain is the hero of their own story, but what do you do…
That’s weird, I thought that any weapon can be deadly within 21 feet and the cops want to go home to their families at the end of the night and if you don’t obey this is what happens and blah blah blah. It’s almost as if there’s some variable at work that we’re not seeing, something that causes them to not treat every…
Many years back I played a Pikachu in a fairly weird RPG campaign, and throughout the game I communicated exclusively through gesture, body language and saying my name in different ways. It was a lot of fun and I have to say it’s pretty amazing how much you can get across.
I was confused because as far as I knew Newsweek stopped publishing a print edition at the end of 2012. Apparently they relaunched in 2014 and nobody noticed or cared. The current sales figures are said to be about 100K, which puts them firmly in “Only remaining market is waiting room subscriptions.” territory.
It’s basically the same business model that a number of pen & paper RPGs have used, put out the main rule books and then churn out a seemingly endless stream of “splatbooks” with new character classes, magic, equipment and so on. Difference is that video games are a much larger market and you don’t have GMs saying “I…
My normal stance is that we have to be careful when handling restrictions placed on those who have served a prison term for crimes committed using a computer because computers and internet access are so vital to life these days that you risk gutting the person’s ability to move on and rebuild their life after they…
I’ve been really happy with Twelve South’s products.