
Actually there are a number of studies indicating that putting even a small amount of time and/or difficulty between a person and their suicide method of choice makes a huge difference. There’s a really interesting article about it titled “The urge to end it all” and it does a good job of refuting the common wisdom of

It’s one of the most genuinely awesome character arcs and death scenes in comic history, fondly remembered by a lot of fans.

They have a TV ad these days that touts their “quality control” and how they have a clear plastic thingy with lines on it that they hold over the pizza to check that there will be toppings in every bite. You know what else ensures toppings in every bite? Not being a stingy bastard with the fucking toppings. Don’t try

Now playing

Made me think of the Peter, Paul & Mary song. (Minus the bit at the end where he actually succeeds)

We had an older cat who was a terrible hunter, but apparently his very presence kept the mice at bay because the first winter after he was gone we started seeing evidence of rodents in the basement. Thankfully one of the two furballs we got from the shelter to replace him turned out to be quite a keen hunter and we

I agree that the RT style review aggregation that works fine for movie reviews pretty much breaks down when you try to use it for TV shows. There are TV shows that knock it out of the park from the first episode, but they’re way outnumbered by the shows that take several episodes to find their feet and get all the

I remember when small pickup trucks were everywhere, and yeah sometimes you need to pick up some mulch or edging bricks but you don’t want a daily driver that needs a spotter and the help of a tug boat to park.

I contend that Sbarro isn’t a pizza franchise, it’s an eldritch creature that intrudes into our world by parasitically latching onto malls. Malls get built and opened, and there’s just a Sbarro in the food court somehow. Everyone involved has vague memories of having signed contracts and the like, but if asked they

Look, if we were really trying to replace them, we’d be asking potential immigrants questions like “Do you fuck your sister and/or daughter on the regular?”, “Can you stretch 10 hours of half-assed work into a 40 hour week and then complain about how hard you’ve got it?” and “Do you swear to instantly turn around and

“Guns, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems.”

Technically speaking, all inventory of all products and goods is limited in that there is not an infinite quantity of anything. (except human stupidity) They could have been running 3 shifts for the last month and have a million stocks in the warehouse and they’d still be able to say “Inventory is limited.”

My parents owned a couple of group homes for about 30 years and I worked in the field for many years (I still do a few overnight shifts a month) and yeah, this article really nails it.

When people say “I’m not racist!” this is the cartoon character racist they’re measuring themselves against.

I own it and I’ve never successfully watched it all the way through. I think I’ve tried 3 times and noped the fuck out maybe 20 minutes in every time.

I own it and I’ve never successfully watched it all the way through. I think I’ve tried 3 times and noped the fuck

He’s damn lucky nobody decided to jump him from behind and beat the shit out of him just in case.

In other news, Hitler was a hero and martyr because he focused world attention on the dangers of Antisemitism and rampant nationalism and in the end sacrificed his life in order to kill Hitler. 

From one Minnesotan to another may I say Oh yah, that was a corker.

I’ve still got a VHS tape of the butchered version they released in the mid 80s under the title Warriors of the Wind. At the time I was happy to have gotten to see it at all, let alone own a copy however chopped up.

I love Only Yesterday, it’s one of my favorite animated features. I’ve never managed to get more than 20 minutes into Grave of the Fireflies before noping the fuck out. My degree is in WW2 history so I know damn well how few happy endings there were for kids in that situation.

The problem when you’re rushing to respond to an emergency is balancing your speed vs your safety. If you lose it and crash then you’re of no help to anyone, and this officer was over driving his headlights by a lot.