“I’m not laughing, I’m not loving, and I’m thinking about tearing you to pieces you santimonius upholstery turd.”
“I’m not laughing, I’m not loving, and I’m thinking about tearing you to pieces you santimonius upholstery turd.”
Most of you have probably already seen this but for those who haven’t, this is the single time it’s appropriate to use the phrase YES KWEEN:
This might work for some people, but I personally worked until the day I delivered my first 2. And with my third I was home with the older two. I just don’t see people being able to put their responsibilities on hold for what could be a several week wait. Maternity leave, even if available, is short enough in this…
You’re sneering at the wrong group of people. Democracy died in North Carolina a number of years ago for reasons that have nothing to do with its voters.
“For a fat girl, you’re pretty”
Ok...not sure how to read your tone, and admittedly I’m frazzled right now because my parents are storm refugees. But, not everyone down here voted for Trump. Or Cruz. Houston is a liberal city. And believe it or not, Democrats live in small towns too. Now is not the time or place to say we got what we deserved…
Tell me something gooooooooooooooooood! Tell me that you liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike it!!!!!!
I’m a Houstonian. I’ve got friends driving truckloads of supplies as we speak to Refugio/Victoria/El Campo. Tomorrow Beaumont & Port Arthur. A lot of us have family who live or who originally came from those smaller towns.
but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.
Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.
Unless you work for FEMA or live here, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Save your judgement. https://m.facebook.com/JustinVConcepcion/posts/pcb.10154678539571968/?photo_id=10154678539356968&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.10154678539571968%26photo%3D10154678539356968%26profileid%3D631635969%2…
Because then they wouldn’t be super anymore, they’d be FABULOUS!
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
everyone needs to quit twitter. mental health of this country would quadrouple.
Also, anyone who didn’t vote at all. How many “okay, I don’t like Clinton for legitimate reasons but I have to admit that she is exponential levels better than the dumpster-fire that is Trump” votes were lost that could have turned the tide? (Full disclosure - I’ve never been a fan of the Clintons and I think there…
It’s almost like she’s a self-obsessed airhead.
Cool story bro.