
No judgement, but I kind of hate them. I haven’t watched the above video, but they usually have a tone of ‘isn’t it crazy we’re saying these bonkers lyrics?’ I specifically remember a white boy cover of an Easy-E song that used to get a ton of airplay. I find it cultural voyeurism, in a pretty racist way. I know

I wanted to hear what all the fuss was about so I found it on Apple Music, but I mistakenly clicked on the ‘clean’ version. Let me tell you, replacing the title lyrics with the phrase “wet and gushy” makes it feel a thousand times dirtier.

The monocle popping around this song is bizarre to me. I want to ask the people who think this is a new level of filth flarn filth where they were when “Oochie Wally Wally” came out, and I want to ask the people who think it’s some kind of breakthrough in feminist sexuality where they were when Lil Kim was around.

Anti-celebrity I’ll cheerfully concede, but I’m really struggling to see how you got anything “right-wing” out of anything I said, unless you for some reason think that criticising anything to do with Hollywood is in and of itself a fundamentally conservative thing to do or something.

What’s always interesting to me is whenever you listen to anyone in the industry talk about the pitfalls of being an actor/singer, it almost always sounds like the studio politics are the absolute worst part, yet that’s never ever explored. You could do a really interesting Josef K/The Trial thing with an artist up

I have no doubt that a life in the public eye comes with it’s own unique challenges and miseries that those anonymous nobodies outside looking enviously in are ill-equipped to fully appreciate unless they experience it firsthand. But that said, as one of those anonymous nobodies, allow me to just say this:

I mean, in the letter itself it says that she pretty patiently HAD those good faith discussions:

What’s even worse is that she’s weaponizing the same kind of argument that was once used to justify Jim Crow laws... during George Floyd protests. Does she live on Mars or something?

Literally every TERF uses it. They think it makes them sound reasonable instead of like perverts who want to inspect everyone’s genitals before they’re allowed to take a shit.

Wow get the fuck outta here.  She used the bathroom argument?  I expect Lindsay Graham to do that, Jesus Christ she is a lost cause.

Because Boomers hate black bars! They bought this expensive TV and Matlock better fill up the whole damn screen!!

I’ve only seen the trailer, and I’d say Johnson and Ross are weighted about equally in that. They may well have different cuts of ads; I think there’s probably also the thought that “movie about a famous singer” is more exciting than “movie about someone who wants to do a job where most of the audience has no ideal

Seeing the TV ads for this movie intrigued me; I immediately thought Tracie Ellis Ross had been given a chance to sort of play her mother. That’s kind of cool, to understand your parents as people by coming as close as you can to “walking in their shoes.”

Wait, The commercials made this seem like a Tracy Ellis Ross movie, about her comeback with Ice Cube as boyfriend/manager, that dakota johnson minimally supports.

I actually think she is kind of an interesting actor—I like her work in A Bigger Splash very much—but this movie doesn’t make a great case for “hey, sometimes the kids of other actors are just really good!”

Well your misinformed opinions certainly imply that you are smarter than neither of them.

To be honest, most local comic stores I visit are not making money on normal weekly comic sales. Most have pivoted to selling table top gaming and collectibles. I mean comic stores always sorta did this but it’s pretty clear these days that those things pay the bills and any comic sales are just bonus.  

I truly don’t get why anyone would want a bunch of cheap, flimsy pieces of paper taking up space in their home.

It was definitely a gut punch to see Lee’s Comics go down during this. It’s a shame those small business loans and paycheck protection funds took so damn long to get together and then ended up only going to the companies with the best relationships with their banks (i.e. large “small” businesses). 

I stopped buying floppies for the most part in the late-90s as trades rose to prominence. But I was so fucking pumped about Hickman’s X-books that I started going to shops weekly again during HoXPoX and have been doing so every week since the Shut Down.