
It’s not like the people who are discriminating against/assaulting Asians are going to watch this movie. If this is the artistic vision of an Asian writer/director/cast, who am I to say no?

The nice thing about the recent boom in films about fraught relationships between Asian moms and their daughters is that it’s kind of fine that not all of them hit the mark. Turning Red, this, Everything Everywhere All the Time, Hi Mom, at least one other one, because I remember watching Turning Red and thinking it

“Fivel Stewart stars in A Korean-American Tale

literally no one is outraged about it being set in toronto

Also the Harold & Kumar test, which is where the movie stops in its tracks and replays the entire Harold & Kumar trilogy which is impressive considering its runtime.

I definitely disagree with the comments saying the review doesn’t talk about the film itself or what it’s about — it absolutely does (well, unless you only skim it). And its Asianness should be discussed because it’s a fundamental part of the movie.
(What I do have a problem with is the fleeting but very, very wrong

The film not only aces the Bechdel test, it also scores high on the Harold & Kumar test. (Asians and tests! A match made in heaven!)

Jesus people, cut the new reviewer some slack. The movie looks delightful, the previews are giving away enough that we don't need anymore spoilers here, and I'm happy to read a review that comes in from an authenticity-angle rather than a plot regurgitation. 

Almost definitely, but did you get the impression the characters in that movie would run with anyone other than their own absolute upper class Chinese? Part of the film’s point is laughing at the snobbishness of the parent generation.

she’s transformed into and a huge red panda” good to see that the new guard is carrying on the old traditions

Of course it only evolve if people use it. No one used Ms at first, now it’s common. No one used “cis” or “trans” to reference gender alignment, now it’s common. Marginalized queer folk and others interested in being more accepting and inclusive are exploring ways to reflect a more inclusive society via their

The term comes from bilingual Lantinx communities. I encountered it from Latinx LGBTQI+ communities using it to describe themselves. It became more mainstream after the Pulse nightclub shootings when the members of effected communities used it, again, to describe themselves. So use it or don’t, but don’t try to claim

Aw geez . . . use it, don’t use it, but don’t act like it was dreamt up by a bunch of white people.

My first thought was that he’s done a good job explaining why this show sucks.

We used to have all the receipts until the assholes at splinter nuked the subsites for having the gall to call out their trite and hackneyed writing.

Kitchenette goes, Pissing Contest goes, but Dirt Bag is apparently not going anywhere.

Came here to say this, too. Jezebel is once again talking out of both sides of their mouth. You don’t get to claim to support Britney, and then go back to the same gossip and trash-talk that is literally the poison running through her entire life. Do better. 

Thank you for this. I’m in consistently unimpressed with just how tasteless and awful Dirt bag posts can be, especially on such matters. This shit is especially awful.

I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has

no more shows about high school until it’s safe for people to be in a high school.