
I remember seeing it as a kid in the 90s and liking it well enough, though it wasn’t an annual watch or anything. I saw it again recently for the first time in 20+ years, and even with nostalgia goggles, the tone and structure are all over the place and more miss than hit, really. There are better kid-friendly gateway

<I>While these remakes are obviously not being worked on by the likes of designer and writer Yoshitaka Murayama, who is working on Eiyuden Chronicle, they have brought back in original character artist Junko Kawano. Which is interesting, as he is listed as working on Eiyuden Chronicle too.</I>

coupled with the turning red review it sure does feel like “these tropes that i recognize and embrace from my own life (in a major studio kids movie) are good representation, and these tropes that i don’t recognize from a different culture (in a first-time director’s horror movie) are bad representation”, which,

“In Umma (Korean for mother)”

Yeah, the line about “farm-to-table” cadavers and the tweet about “smell and sanitation” tells me this is mostly being fueled by people who have never encountered an anatomy class. There are sources for ethically sourced cat cadavers because there are enough anatomy classes at colleges and high schools that use them

Sir!! SIR!! What do you have to say for yourself, Hassenger, you knave?!

I think this is another potential flaw that might fuel the last episodes—Tahani was able to forgive Kamilah because interacting with her made Tahani realize her sister was traumatized in the same way she was. The series has come back again and again to the idea that human connection is part of how people become

If I weren’t a shit-for-brains that doesn’t know dick about computers, I’d make a computer virus that pulls up video clips of Biden in debates from 2008/2012 every time someone typed some variation on “always been gaffe-prone” or “no worse than anyone else”. The difference to <i>his past self</i> is evident.

The difference in his performance in debates during 2008/2012 and these most recent ones is pretty marked, though. He may not have been the most polished speaker then, but he could reliably land jabs and talking points. It’s hard to imagine this guy trailing off mid-sentence repeatedly:

i’d be content with no more gladwell joints

fuck, that would’ve been a great twist

you know regardless of whether or not McKellan’s comments were troubling, the way the headline is phrased make it sound like he was making a variant on Spacey’s claim that the accusations were made falsely to target him as a gay man, which is a really rotten and clickbaity way to make McKellan sound like he said

She read as a pretty straightforward rich bitch sorority stock character (there’s plenty to read into how feminist that is, but that’s a different conversation.) Her arch comment about the sorority being “woke” seemed more like her being mocking. If anything, Mel’s the one who could’ve easily slipped into that kind of

A character based on Burl?!

there was some recent tv commercial that had this version of Wonderwall and I lost my shit because it was so, so hilarious

the article understander has logged on

recreational weed is legal in WA state, if I wanted to drop $15 on special period brownies they sure as hell better have more than “primrose extract” in them