
This is one of my favorite movies. The way it conveys the numbing pain of losing a child is incredible. All the things you do to try not to think about it, but it’s an ache that never goes away.

Yeah, there’s some stuff there that’s just not very good like the Soji/Narek relationship, and the show doesn’t know how to play Rafi’s issues (you can’t go from funny drunk to tragic drunk that way).
But overall this was an improvement simply because stuff started happening.
The show is still too thin and shallow to

Now that you mention it, that suddenly dawns on me that it is true and would be an excellent twist. I kept wondering why the father we saw looked nothing like Maddox.

Yeah, she looked brokenhearted and everyone else looked like they completely missed the point.

Soji's "father" looks suspiciously like Dr. Bashir.

The Soji/Narek/Artifact storyline has definitely been the weakest portion of the series.

We had to say dickety, because the kaiser had stolen our word for twenty.  

If Biden wasn’t prepped for a question along these lines, then he should fire his entire campaign staff. He either hasn’t taken the racial issues seriously enough to formulate a coherent thought about them, or he has thought about them and his answer amounts to some yammering about record players. 

Once again, Burneko is showing he’s just another leftist who is against any mentally unfit politician who had a disgusting political and social record well before his mental instability became evident.

There are a lot of ways to attack Joe Biden that aren’t “He’s a capitalist stooge who condemned hundreds of thousands to homelessness or debt peonage!”

This was a softball that any competent candidate would have knocked out of the park and yet Biden demonstrated just how incapable he is of even remembering to say the right things when it matters. Whether it’s on healthcare or climate change, Biden at best sounds like he is exhausted and at worst like diet Trump.

While I respect Biden’s career-long strategy of affably standing near more accomplished people (it’s my only skill as well and works great!), you have to recognize that it does not prepare you to lead. The softening of his brain seems to have made him forget the point of it all.

There’s a certain section of the commentariat who seem to take extreme umbrage to the fact movies may reflect societal issues and that critics might speak on that

This works with some loud-mouthed jackass in a bar. Not so much when that loud-mouth jackass can fuck your entire world up with the stroke of a pen from the Oval Office.

Unlike what the President or the political right believes, the raison d’etre of the news media is not to troll the President or conservatives, but to inform the public.

I think it’s because David, correctly, comes at it from the angle of examining the deteriorating mind of a dimwitted outer-borough lout. Just an old, mushy New York real estate goon who somehow posted his way into being President.

Mr Roth, just offering up my two cents that you offer some of the best, most insightful takes on Trump Mindset around, and you should continue doing so at regular intervals.

Yes. That’s the solution. Stop talking about the most powerful man in the world. If we just ignore him, he’ll go away.

[Does some cursory Googling, gasps.]

The bubble I reside in allows me to think that humanity is worth saving and not entirely made up of racist misogynistic Islamophobes. I don’t see how visiting the Breitbart comments to burst that will do anything but make me sad.