Can someone PLEASE tell me why Lana del Rey is still a thing?!
Can someone PLEASE tell me why Lana del Rey is still a thing?!
When talking of producers’ decisions, let us bear in mind that Alec Baldwin himself is a producer of this film.
Logistics aren’t as agile as UPS would have you believe
Mexico should be a shorter trip, too
Christ - is there nothing you won’t make into a slideshow now?
OK. Well that’s not the way the criminal law works. By way of a very short introduction:
If they can get equipment and get drivers the will make even more money if they can increase their load count.
That… That is just grotesque…
You know who else has a Batman suit? Batman.
Hire Truckers? There isn’t a driver shortage because they can’t get around to hiring them, there’s a driver shortage because it pays shit money, it’s a really tough/dirty job, and no one wants to do it.
Leaving it in the middle of the street seems like abandonment. What are the rules for scrapping abandoned containers. There’s a lot of scrap weight there.
Haha is that what I did? Show me where.
for what basically amounts to murder.
Fox News Los Angeles reports that after killing a woman while driving a Lamborghini, a teen driver was given veritable slap on the wrist for what basically amounts to murder.
A Teen Driver Killed A Woman And Plead Guilty.
I hope civil suits take every penny from this family.
Rich kid gets off - nothing shocking here.
I don’t know who you’re talking about, but this GenX-er (and everyone she knows) has always known that Blazing Saddles is a work of satirical genius.
Hellman’s Mayo is the best food west of the Rockies? Good golly, now I know what a culinary desert is.