Hey, Shut The Fuck Up (G/O Fuck Yourself, Tenreyro & Barsanti)

I’ve found that the difference with Q-tips is that the plastic sticks generally hold up, and the paper ones don’t, regardless of brand

Vanilla wafers are a definite crapshoot

Pop-tarts, granola bars, and nutri-grain (fruit) bars

Put chili on it

Even a cheaper non-union equivalent should know better than to trust a gun after repeated malfunctions, this is just insane

the gun had already misfired three times previously

Or vice versa....they needed a particular gun for a particular movie or scene, and rented it from a local gun range for the duration

Prop master is probably going to end up in so much shit over this

Justice 4 Pinchy

Goddamn, PA’s artstyle has taken such a dive


Ryanair doesn’t use Heathrow

The Dayton Fraternal Order of Police defended the officers

I too was waiting for “going bowling” to be some sort of newfangled zoomer euphemism

Tulips and beanie babies are at least tangible, scarce-ish items though

Assholes and instagrammers with too much money