What this says about the people in the Florida 1st Congressional district, voting for him what two -three times. And they also elected Joe Scarborough.
What this says about the people in the Florida 1st Congressional district, voting for him what two -three times. And they also elected Joe Scarborough.
I had no idea that Donald Trump was a Klingon
Like bags of sand....
it’s been a point up until this episode that the Jem’Hadar are merciless bastards & shoot to kill “Star Trek”-style, i.e., their weapons fire disintegrates their enemies into nothing on impact
Qanon needs more catgirls
It’s a new planet they took over after moving from the old one sometime in the last season or so, it probably still just has whatever atmosphere it had when the Link moved in
G-d commands it!
Add in two other factors:
-Bashir describes the “nation state” of Great Britain to Garak in the past tense, implying it doesn’t exist in the 24th century.
BSG’s finale was awful, the culmination of far too many decisions to just wing it plot-wise and not have an endgame in mind
At least this time the love had history behind it, instead of just being Some Guy She Just Met
Hey guys, I found the fan who got CBS to make Discovery and Picard!
Trump has rendered parody and satire obsolete
Why would big tech companies want to work and coordinate with socialists?
The best part? The only changeling to appear in the episode is Odo. (Or so we think.)
*one finger of the monkey’s paw slowly curls inwards*
ItS nOt On A sHiP
EDIT: never mind, you listed it right at the fucking top....I’m an idiot
Pretty sure it’s just been rather loud announcements of “we’re considering all legal options” thusfar, which has been more than enough to scare them shitless
FOX (and others) spent weeks dragging Dominion through the mud both on TV and online.....it’s gonna have to be one hell of a settlement to make this go away