Hey, Shut The Fuck Up (G/O Fuck Yourself, Tenreyro & Barsanti)

Tarchup has gotta be in violation of the Geneva Conventions


Every time one of The Takeout writers posts a shitty food take, the vibration increases by another 10%


Still the concept of Clark being a nutcase and the system so easily contorting itself to his twisted goals was effective.

The Sniper guy seems less crazy and more bored and delivers all his lines with the flash and sizzle of wet cornflakes.

it “owns the libs”

Clark always came across as such a chump that he simply had to be the puppet of more serious and sinister people. He himself couldn’t arrange a decent potluck, let alone an assassination.

Oh man, you all back in 2013 had no idea just how bad/stupid it gets

Musante, as played by Shari Shattuck, is some horrifying combination of true believer and utter cynic. She seems to believe everything she says, even, perhaps especially, when she’s saying she doesn’t believe everything she says.

Many years ago, there was a celebrity episode of The Weakest Link with Star Trek actors as the contestants, and LeVar Burton and Robert Picardo were the two who made it to the final round



GIF is somehow even better playing in reverse

“That’s not gone well”

Geordi HAS to wear the VISOR, or else he can’t freaking see

Living in an age where we regularly communicate back and forth with one another using memes and animated GIFs, Darmok has never seemed more prescient