
Yeah, but where’s the wise-cracking dragon voiced by Eddie Murphy, huh?!

Because the Elves left Earth and took all the magic with them. A sequel would just be a bunch of filthy peasants farming.

In fairness, Fallen Kingdom was well-directed and had a lot of memorable imagery. It wasn’t Bayona’s fault that the script was pants-on-head stupid.

A Monster Calls is a stunning movie.

Or maybe, they liked them?

It always fascinates me how many people dismiss “best of” lists that don’t validate their personal tastes as “pretentious.” 

I kinda hate “overrated” as a criticism.
It’s okay to say that the movie didn’t work for you without telling other people they’re wrong for loving it. 

Truly, that is the mission of most film critics. Not to talk about the things they genuinely like, but to appear smart by subsuming their secret love of Detective Pikachu.

Also, damn these are a lot of movies I never heard of.

Regarding Jon’s parentage: The whole point of the Dragonpit council was the decision to stop raising rulers based on their birth, and start electing them on merit. What kind of beginning to that era would it have been to turn around and elect Jon... based on his parentage?

Yeah, ol’ Sam broke the wheel all right.  With his freakin’ dick!

You play the Game of Thrones and you win, or you die.

I’m pretty sure that there was no way for D&D to win. No matter what happened, no matter how it was handled, significant portions of the fandom would be livid. 

I’m pretty happy with Jon’s arc. He goes from bastard in exile to leader of the Night’s Watch and victor of two giant battles, including one that saves all of Westeros from the dead. Along the way, he is resurrected to continue his important journey, and finds out that he is the rightful heir to the throne. In the

Martin says he’s had the “major beats” of his ending planned for years, and what happened on the show, or fans correctly predicting what will happen in the last two books, won’t alter them. He’s also repeatedly said it would be a “mistake” to change “midstream” how his story ends after laying all the groundwork for

Daario was the first of her allies who saw exactly who Dany really was.  He told her she wasn’t ruler, she was a conqueror.

Random guard: M’lord, a raven has arrived from Westeros. The mother of Dragons has been slayed.

I picture Jon Snow just creeping around up north asking every ginger chick he meets if they know of any good hot springs in the area

This seems like a good place to meditate on something that I haven’t been able to find the right words to address: bitterness. I’ve tried before, and I’ll try again.

“And that’s the problem with him telling Tyrion he traveled all that way to King’s Landing to become king. Why? How? Was he a 17-level-chess genius who anticipated that exact sequence of events would happen? Or did Bran know everything that was going to happen before it did?”

I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again: Much like Stannis burning Shireen, Dany burninating Kings Landing makes thematic sense since one of the series’ major themes is that questing for the Iron Throne, no matter your reasons for doing so, is inherently corruptible and the only way to win The Game of Thrones is not