
I feel serious side-eye encroaching on my face whenever someone leans on "intellectual" in a recommendation of a "harsh" film.

Wait, is “a murder mystery” an original idea?

Lindelof has essentially confirmed that this is the case although the way he tells it he started writing the show and part way through he realized people would accuse him of ripping off Watchmen so got HBO to secure the rights to it.

As long as there are no scenes of painfully bland people having boring sex to Leonard Cohen, you can count me in.

I thought most of Boyhood was fantastic and watching the characters age did add a sense of nostalgia for my own childhood. And more than “some people liked” it, it got tons of critical acclaim when it came out.

Maybe you should have also tried wearing pants

I bet Tom Hardy’s acting in Venom is better then Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker 

I knew the family movie would bring the global cum

Counterpoint! It was absolutely perfect. This is a fairly trite comparison at this point, but explaining why it felt so wonderful feels like trying to describe a dream. (That smoking scene deserves an award for body language choreography!) There was a Sunday night in 2017 where I was watching TV and saw both a flying

Oh fuck off. I’ve never watched GOT but I’ve seen him in plenty of other roles and he’s a phenomenal actor. I do know that like it or not that show wouldn’t have been NEARLY the success it was during its run without his charming ass in it. So that’s literally the only GOT Emmy I’m OK with.

Look, we get it, he doesn’t

And with this release, Godzila vs. Megalon becomes the first movie to appear in the Criterion collection AND an episode of MST3K, meaning pop culture is rapidly folding in upon itself, and soon the only things left will be sporadic bits emanating into the cosmos,which I call Tarantino Radiation.  

fucking what? literally nothing lindelof has ever made would lead you to believe he is a centrist or against antifa

...the dude raped a kid

Big fan of raping teenagers, then?

They do get a theatrical release.

How is complaining about woke takes not just a different form of pearl-clutching? If you don’t agree with someone’s point of view, you’re entitled to your opinion, but at least have some self-awareness too.

GodDAMN do I hate the very idea of fractioning entertainment into a billion different subscription services, but there is no way I can justify NOT getting fucking Disney+ now. GODDAMN YOU FOREVER MOUSE.


I like deep cuts, I really do, but not even Marvel Studios’ excellent track record can get me the least bit excited for a damn Eternals movie. 

Holy shit. What is their reasoning for not telling her? BC right now it seems almost worse for her to be thinking her son might hate her and not be visiting on purpose.