
“First of his name” is short for “First [monarch] of his name.” He’s the first Brandon to be ruler of the Seven Six Kingdoms. Not literally the first person ever named Brandon Stark.

Good thing Jamie left Find My Phone on.

(Needle scratch) and that, kids, is how I invented representative democracy.

I’m so glad they laughed at that.  I was terrified that's the way they were going to go

Can I say something being the second oldest dude here? Game of Thrones premiered April 17, 2011. A sane man occupied the White House, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed, Saddam Hussein dead, Occupy Wall Street, The HARRY POTTER movies ended, and Gabriel Giffords survived a senseless attack. The excitement

Read the column again. I’m sure some people are angry because they wanted Daenerys to be the good guy and win the game, but all the serious criticism i’ve read is about the execution, not the character turn per se.

I’ve noticed a real trend among the edge lords ever since this happened.  Not only are they heavy into the ‘we were right, you were wrong’ gloating and so forth, somehow it’s become a part of their identity that you MUST admit that they were correct all along and that you were lazy and never paid attention to the show

As a person who could see the buildings on fire that day (from about 30 miles away to be exact) and knew at least 3 people who passed that day, all I could do was think of that day watching Arya move around the city.

I don’t know. Maybe not kill thousands of innocent people for no reason? It wasn’t a move out of desperation. She won (laughably easily) and then ignored the person most responsible for the death of her best friend and instead burned a city to the ground first. She had everyone’s fear already. I have no issue with

Nnnnnot burn children?

I’d be fine with this exact ending if it had been written better. It’s not WHAT happens that rankles, but WHY. The journey to these conclusions seems contrived.

One thing I have to say is that I can’t believe people are only now noticing how dumb and basically useless Cersei is/has been. Some people act surprised that she seemed so smugly dumb this season, but she’s always been dumb. She’s just cruel, not clever. She’s been bullying her way to where she was, and she finally fa

Most people who are complaining aren’t mad about the actual events, they’re complaining about how bad the storytelling itself is. Everything that happened could have made most of us happy if it didn’t feel so rushed and half-assed. Or it could have been an entirely different series of events and that would be fine

I know they’ve been building it, but the way Dany’s “madness” came about just didn’t quite work for me. Still, so many epic moments and the spectacle was insane. I loved it, but I can see why some fans will not. I think this will end up being one of the most divisive episodes of the whole series.

Lucasfilm better cancel their contracts ASAP

I don’t know what kind of Westerosi Xanax she was on, but I want some.

Who knew that bell ringing was what they needed to turn someone mad?  So meaningful!

Yep.  Plenty of light from those burning peasants.

#Danydidnothing wrong.

Good Heavens. Enjoy ruling your lifeless pile of ashes, Dani.