

Could one of these radio stations possibly drop him off the top of their transmission tower?

I was morbidly curious to see what his new single sounded like so I pulled it up on Youtube. The comments are as disturbing as you’d imagine, ranging from “Mandy Moore sucks” to “he didn’t fuck that 14-year old so what’s the big deal?”

Sources also confirmed that Adams did not buy his first real six-string down at the five and dime.

UPDATE: More disturbing details about Bryan Adams have just emerged on media platform Kinja. Mounties have said they will be investigating allegations that Adams was only 10 years old when he “held hands” with an anonymous Canadian female “on her mama’s porch.”

Bryan Adams is just glad he’s finally not the hated one. Well, not the most hated one.

Jar Jar is a war hero because he fumbled around. I like war heroes who don’t fumble around.

I take offense at calling Jar Jar a war hero. From what I recall from that mind-numbingly stupid scene, he spent most of his time there comically fumbling with a cannon, while his comrades were murdered in his proximity. Yeah, you may call it “tonal inconsistency”. I call it George Lucas’ stupidity.

Star Wars is stupid.

This ^

Game of Thrones to its credit has better special effects than a lot of movies.

What on Earth is going on with Disney’s production values?

The guy playing Jafar looks way too young and not threatening enough.

Will Smith, slathered in blue paint at the first script read: “I feel like a f***ing idiot.”

I need to forget that image.

Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me, but this cgi of a blue humanoid looks very bad in comparison to what Avatar did 10 years. And since the cgi is essentially a bulked up Will Smith, couldn’t the film makers just have had the actual Will Smith bulk up?

I look forward to this 2-hour reminder of how no one will ever be able to replace Robin Williams.

Finally, an awful version of Aladdin!