
Salvation moved in the right direction, it was just a shit movie. I had wanted a post Judgement Day set Terminator movie with a grown up John Conner since T2. We just got a bad story and bad director. 

I think the implication is that a black actor is likely to get more success by obscuring her skin (in this and in Avatar, which was not based on an existing property) than by playing actual black characters.

This is true.

According to my brother the best acting Bradley Cooper has ever done was as Rocket Raccoon.

That romcom series kicks ass! I say this as someone who is not a fan of the genre.

It’s a shame that Birdman was a dumb navel-gazing movie rather than a live action adaptation of the Hanna Barbera cartoon.

The romcom series is about the genre as a whole. It did a Katherine Heigl movie one time. Come on, son.

Turns out women in their mid 30's can have 10 year old kids.

I think History of Violence started before the move to Kinja, and this is Breihan’s continuation.

Of all of the franchises, X-Men really is the closest to actual comics for that reason. There’s no grace behind their canon, it’s just sledgehammered into order based on behind the camera issues and decisions.

aubrey plaza already down to mom roles. sheesh.

Wait, Birdman won best picture?

As a Clevelander, Winter Soldier let me experience what so many Los Angelinos and Torontans and Noo Yawkuhs do, which was watch a chase scene through a city street that makes absolutely no sense. “They just passed that same building! Twice! They just turned from one street directly onto a parallel street! They just


I loved Winter Soldier, but its conspiracy plot was a bit too far-fetched. Nazi sympathisers holding immense political and military power in the 21st-century USA? Whatever, comic books!

Here’s a question (perhaps to be answered after four more columns): What was the best year for superhero movies? Because GotG and Winter Soldier, plus Big Hero Six, make 2014 a pretty strong contender. I’d say the action scenes in Winter Soldier are the best of any Marvel movie. But I guess 2018 is solid too.

Winter Soldier is, I reckon, the better Marvel movie of the two, but I can’t deny just how game-changing Guardians of The Galaxy really is. It proved that Marvel Studios didn’t need X-men, or at least can still be a thing without waiting for Fox to cough up their Infinity Stone, so to speak. It proved that Marvel has

Man Birdman was not a particularly good movie but a great comeback performance by Keaton. It was a sign of how worthless the Oscars are that everyone involved got them EXCEPT Keaton.

Is it me or have we kinda forgotten how good Toy Story 2 was?