
What’s your angle here? I think pointing out that women, who are roughly 50% of the world population, are poorly represented behind the scenes in entertainment is quite valid. Sure they’re snarky about it, but most articles here are.

Cool, so leave.

I’ve been making fun of people obsessed with a game they could not physically play themselves since the early 90s.

Nope. I’ve been making fun of people obsessed with a game they could not physically play themselves since the early 90s. It’s a long tradition of “Yeah Sports, my local team is better then yours!”

Oh, I think a LOT of people are extremely put off by it. It’s definitely weird looking, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

I was torn between B and B-, to be honest. On paper, a lot of this is not all that great. Some of the ideas are shopworn, few of them are fully developed, there’s a TON of spoken exposition in like 75% of the scenes, it’s paced sort of oddly, it’s overstuffed... but I had a lot of fun. For a movie that’s aiming for

Ugh, not me. I don’t like grain. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. 


Huh. So the heroes from Earth team up with the heroes from space to take on the super-powerful secret puppetmaster villain who wants ultimate godlike power, but who ends up winning with a shocking cliffhanger, leaving the heroes to have to fight in the ruins left from his victory. Seems like a pretty cool plot, it’s a

Salo! Finally Republicans can masturbate again!

I guess it’s a little too much to expect Dwayne Johnson to appear in every single movie ever released.

I love Dancer in the Dark, and based on my understanding of Dogme, he isn’t really following those rules with the numbers in that movie. They’re not handheld, the colors are brighter, the shots are wider.

Well, if you’re asking what I mean by bad, that might be a clue to how someone might be able to read the article.

Thanks for reading! Glad you were attentive to the actual points. 

No thanks

Is that the one with Robert De Niro.

This premise is why we need more women in film.