
I agree that the characters change so frequently in the comics that big screen variations should get less ire.

“So i should just let them die?”

That’s funny because Jason Reitman is also gearing up for a Fast & Furious spinoff, but this one’s “for the fans” and with “fewer vaginas”.

*types women driver joke* *immediately gets hit by a truck*

Bummed Eighth Grade wasn’t nominated but the Academy rarely nominates horror movies.

When an actor can out mustache Tom Selleck he should automatically get an Oscar.

And almost entirely grassroots too. Donations and visibility primarily through Twitter retweets, e.g., Neil Gaiman, AOC, fucking CHER all retweeted and spread the word. I donated $4.20 (because duh) after seeing it spread there.

Maybe next year after the outcry the academy will add “Best Giant Shark movie” to the list.

As a poor person, I am disturbed by the prospect that, should I become rich sometime in the future, I may lose 70 percent of that wealth, and thereby become merely well-off.

Lynne Ramsay directed You Were Never Really Here. I would also mention Debra Granik’s Leave No Trace. Her prior narrative feature, Winter’s Bone, actually did get some nominations.

We can skip over a lot of quibbles we’ll all have, but no nominations for “The Meg?” Excuse me?

Now playing

Of course Green Book got nominated for Best Picture. As Crash and Three Billboards have shown us, white people will watch anything that’s premise can be boiled down to this one song:

Free Solo

This exactly. There was so much outcry when Dark Knight wasn’t nominated that they literally changed the category to allow for a more representative group of nominees. Black Panther was absolutely one of the 10 best movies of the year and deserves to be here. 

The complaints about Black Panther are right on time I see. Every other year people are crying that superhero movies should be acknowledged by the Oscars, I wonder why this one is an exception?

You’re right....let’s get back to that new policy of tax cuts for the rich!  who’s with me??!!

Both sides eh? Why won't you be tolerant of our intolerance!

American Evangelicalism = The lowest form of Christianity.

Yes, Dems can end the shutdown by caving to a hostage taker to make a destructive policy proposal a destructive reality, in exchange for nothing but the release of hostages (setting a precedent of rewarding hostage taking) despite the fact that he said the shutdown wasn’t the Dems fault on live TV and America agrees.

I totally agree that Pence, who lies to cover up injustice, who’s smug moral superiority manifests in oppressing innocent people, is the opposite of what Christ taught. But on the other hand, he’s the best example of what it is to be a white fundie evangelical Christian in America. He’s the perfect embodiment of every