
Sounds about white

Which is a real shame because the third, not directed by Abrams, was the best yet. 

Who hurt you?

Edgy stuff 

It’s not surprising at all! It’s a palatable way for white people to think racism and homophobia is a problem of the past!

I must hand it to that MEP, Seb Dance. The British public have always been adept at photobombing newscasts with signs of dissent, but bringing it into the chambers of European parliament? <chef’s kiss>

Oh, man. This is a good reminder though that Trump really fucking sucks.

you are a pointless human being and your death will go unmourned

If we put aside all the MAJOR issues the academy has with recognizing people of color, I would label this one of their biggest limitations.  Comedy  is the thing people go back to time and time again, and to devalue it in the way the Academy does is just short-sighted. 

This, so much.  The Academy has many flaws in terms of what work it recognizes, and chief among them is how badly it neglects comedy, or for that matter, any kind of acting that isn’t naturalistic.  For supposedly espousing the art and science of cinema and performance, they are incredibly narrow and reductive as far

I appreciate the attention given to her line read of “Oh no, he died!”, as it had me rolling with laughter for several minutes.

It’s not political correctness, it’s objective, medical correctness.

Huh, why do I suspect that the same dudes who whined about their “childhoods being raped” won’t be as pissed off about this? Why, indeed?

MRA’s wont’ be happy unless the movie opens with the entire cast from the last Ghostbusters film being flattened by the Staypuft man.

I’m confused at what part of that Gillette ad made so many men mad (okay, not so much confused as disbelieving that they had problems in the first place). Was it the part that sad that leering and catcalling women is something we shouldn’t do? Was it the part where it said that we should stop bullying? Was it the part

Just let it die.

I think the most sensible reaction to this news is a stone-faced "Okay." Once there's a trailer, it becomes sensible to start indulging in emotional reactions.

Fast forward 5 years and Kanye is the head of Spectre living in a volcano lair.

100%. The more I revisit Lost in Translation the more i contemplate just how under-appreciated Scarlett was in that movie too. It’s a really quiet but soulful performance. She plays it far more mature than any 17 year old has the right or wisdom to play it.