
This takes place in an alternative Earth where Brexit never happened. The magical land of my dreams.

Has nobody pointed out the glaring continuity error here? I can accept Spidey being alive, but there’s no way Brexit Britain won’t have caught fire and slid into the sea by the time this is released in July. Maybe they can insert some background food riots in post-production.

To be fair, it’s real hard to treat someone as pretty as Jake Gyllenhall as a villain. 

I am really surprised by the number of comments on the video like, “Whoa, Mysterio is a good guy now?” or “I guess Mysterio actually has magic powers or something?” Did everyone forget what Mysterio’s whole deal was?

Sign me up. Fallout reminded me why I loved seeing movies on the big screen. I am far from an action junkie or even fan, but damned if that visceral thrill didn't top my year end list. Not sure how they'll come up with crazier stunts (Cruise walks on the sun?), but I want to see them try. 

Why? Her hats are great. So are mine. Everybody’s hats are great. Except for that huge thing that Pharell wore.

ASP really needs to chill with those hats

Also civilization, democracy etc.

Daddy shark knows what he did.

Maroon 5? They couldn’t get the Baby Shark people?

The halftime show will happen halfway through it.”

Yeah, but in fairness, Rorschach was kind of a doink.

Yeah, well, far-right fascists have been tone-deafly quoting MLK for 60 years. AOC can quote Rorschach.

Pretty sure there are cartoon hearts floating above my head right now.

Ted Danson would have been my choice. Or some combination of Ted Danson, D’Arcey Carden, Maya Rudolph and Kristin Bell. Or Rachel Bloom. 

I love his point about film being gentrified. I’ve complained about this ad nauseum, but it had nearly gotten to the point where trying to keep up with critically acclaimed films was like trying to keep up with the theatre. If you don’t live in one particular part of the world, you have no chance. Even now, I’m still

How dare people watch movies before completing at least a master’s thesis in Cinema Studies?

Well you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it appreciate art.

It’s funny - I actually have this notion (that I’ve given way too much thought, admittedly) that Captain America is a virgin. 

BLACK WIDOW: Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do. He wiped out 50 % of all living creatures.