I’m not a fan of the orange interior, but it’s definitely not an ugly car.
I’m not a fan of the orange interior, but it’s definitely not an ugly car.
Le freak, c’est chic
So we’ll have the Lyriq, the Celestiq, followed by the Magnifiq, le Mystiq. Maybe they’re going for that Rustiq look, but everyone’s a Critiq...I’m sorry.
I would love to know how this idea was originally pitched.
If you’re going to count the one gallon for every four gallons used on the BMW, where’s the count for getting the fuel to the power plant?!?! They had to throw that little twist in there to make sure the BEV still looked good. I see nothing for charging losses either.
Same for the Tesla, it has seats and plastic trim panels too.
The fuck you are talking about ‘both are in the wrong’...
Silverado had a collision and shut itself off. The occupants fled a visibly inoperable vehicle. Then a dumbfuck semi literally plowed into the back of them.
In the event of an airbag deployment, many vehicles will shut off the fuel and turn the flashers on, unlock the doors and some even call 911 for you. If it were possible to have moved the truck to the side Im sure the driver would have done so, rather than leaving it in the middle of a freeway.
Apparently modern vehicles have a fuel-pump shutoff switch tied into the vehicle’s computer that gets tripped when a crash is detected. Assuming this truck had something like this, by the time the smoke cleared and the driver got herself sorted out enough to consider moving the vehicle, the engine was starved of fuel.
Getting out and pushing is worse than leaving it sitting unless you’ve got two vehicles blocking lanes for you. On your own, you run the real risk of being between that semi and the tailgate at the time of impact.
Automatic engine cutoffs. If a collision is enough to set off the airbags, then the vehicle automatically kills the engine to prevent fire and fuel spillage. Unless they were gonna get out and push, and I would not be doing that on an active freeway, that truck was going nowhere.
Sadly this. Coworker swerved to avoid a deer once, went off the road and hit a tree. It wasn’t a new car so ended up pretty much totaling it but insurance wouldn’t cover because “he” ran into a tree. If he had just hit the deer, it would have been an “act of God” and covered.
Go back and read the article.
I kinda wish there was more detail on this. Does airbag deployment shut down vehicle controls? This is the exact situation you would want to at least limp the car to the shoulder even if it was badly damaged. I know deer strikes can mess a car up some good, but that thing sure looked like it could move.
So Erin has you thinking every truck driver is a freedom convoy member? Let me guess all truck drivers are republican too?
No defense for the semi driver. The left lane was clear as a whistle for quite some time.
Per the words above, they had hit a deer and the truck became disabled as well as the airbags had deployed.