
I mean, Barack Obama is probably pretty excited at the idea of opening windows in his car so he can let out the SWEET, SWEET CIGARETTE SMOKE I KNOW HE IS STILL INHALING I SEE YOU OBAMA WE RECOGNIZE OUR OWN

Now playing

Heather Mills may be on to something. I remember the days when kids at school would say Paul McCartney was that old guy in that video with Michael Jackson. I had older brothers and sisters, so I knew about The Beatles.

I think the more upsetting point is that this moron associates being Muslim with supporting ISIS. Even if Obama practiced Islam (and frankly, I find it offensive he has been so gung-ho adamant when correcting misperceptions about his religion as though being that religion is a downfall of character), that wouldn't

The 6th-century Byzantine historian Procopius wrote that the Vandals were tall and blond haired: "For they all have white bodies and fair hair, and are tall and handsome to look upon."

How many people just saw the word Ducktales and said "a-woo-oo!" out loud or in their heads?

There is nothing "old school" about it. Granted, girls like to be surprised. But when you spend $5,000-$10,000, you don't want to be wrong.

No, no, no. If you have had the conversation about getting married (which you should, don't just ask out of the blue), ask her what she likes. It ensures that 1) she says yes and 2) she gets what she wants. Why disappoint her?

This picture is straight Madonna circa 1991.

the shame of it is that hyper-realism caters to the masses and they see anything artfully pretty and even worse, anything colorful, as childish. Nintendo gets roundly criticized for being kiddie games and not for real gamers. It's a shame that real gaming has become play in shades of gray (and blues and oranges),

Excuse me, this ad came out just a few years ago.

Yes, I remember they used to come out with these kits of 24 or 30 colors in a large mirrored tray, I had 3 or 4 of those - the best colors and the shadows were pretty good quality. I miss those kits!

My ex's father is a fancypants guy in Vancouver. He lives on the bay near the bottom of a mountain where there's a ski park. I am from Louisiana and I am not used to snow, so when I was there one winter, my guy and I went up the mountain. I didn't have ski pants, only jeans and the tights I had on under them, so I

So this guy might only be famous in the UK but at the time it was a big freaking deal for me.

Already posted, but I almost forgot about that time I blew Ben Affleck in a car.

Hank Jr. = cutest celebrity child ever.

Thanks for sharing. I mean it.

Care to share a bit more about the freak out? I'm guessing it wasn't cold feet, eh?

"Today it is playing League of Legends. To reiterate: we are confused. 'Things' are happening on the screen, people are cheering in response but we have no way to parse precisely what they're cheering at and why."

I'm already too late to jump into the fray, but ...18 year old taxi driver with an obsession with Joey Buttafuoco and whatsername, who ran away from home, fleeing a shoplifting charge, trying to get to the Galapagos islands. He drove a souped up Dodge Omni with the bumpers removed so it would go faster. He was short