
It wasn’t actually a secret, he just has his copilot do the announcements and uses a slightly different name. King Willem Alexander kept working as a pilot up until at least 2017, when he was licensed to fly 737s. I’m not sure what he’s doing now (he became king in 2013). From what I can find he still works on “fixed

Her original post had more information - this baby was the second attempt with this surrogate, she had undergone procedures after a failed first attempt, Chrissy was pregnant again but after the last pregnancy wasn’t sure it would go any better, and they moved forward. Her Instagram post was quite touching, actually.

I mean, my first apartment was about that size. I had no issue finding my keys, so an extra 5 people and an entire submersible would have been fairly easy to locate in 900 sq feet.

I’m an expat who votes in Indiana, and I know it’s pointless (since my ballot goes to a county that doesn’t include Indianapolis). But one day it may not be? I try to be optimistic when I submit my ballot, but up to now it’s difficult.

Vermeer. NOT Vameer. It’s never been “Vameer”. Please, for the love of all that is right and good with journalism, correct the name in the title and article, because this is just painful.

My mother-in-law hand-sewed me a little zippy pouch/sleeping bag for my childhood favorite stuffed animal (which is/was basically a cat-shaped pillow) because it’s too thin and too fragile to be out in the open anymore.

The Keebler version of Samoas is so good, and so much cheaper, especially when looking at weight. And bonus: they’re available year-round.

There are a lot of really great gins that don’t taste like pine sol (I loathe juniper berries, but have finally discovered some really tasty gins). Next time you’re at a decent bar and it’s not too busy, ask the bartender what they’d recommend that doesn’t have much or any juniper involved.

I have a couple of jackdaws who have specifically figured out that I’m the Giver of Food and they’re keeping it secret from their other jackdaw friends. Last year we had one who would hang out on the back door handle when it was time, and peer in to see if I was coming. This year, they hang out quietly while I’m

I originally come from the area (not one of the barrier islands) and the houses, for the most part, weren’t originally built on stilts. After a major hurricane (Isabel in 2003), most of my hometown had their houses raised due to the new/more major flood risks due to erosion. So this one, and the ones surrounding it

I really, really love them while I’m actually eating them. It’s the reminder that I ate them (onion taste keeps coming back) for the next couple of days that has made me quit eating them more than every few years or so, when I decide it couldn’t have been THAT bad, eat and enjoy a bunch of tiny soft burgers, and then

My dad was born in Racine, and every family occasion in Indiana (where his family has lived since about 1965) included at least ten kringles brought down from Wisconsin by relatives who knew that if they dared show up without at least one, they’d be ostracized.

When I make it to a Cheesecake Factory (on my once a year pilgrimage to the motherland), it’s appetizer and cheesecake all the way, no entree. The avocado toast has been my pick the last couple of years because it’s genuinely good - add in a time-appropriate drink and whatever cheesecake catches my fancy and I’m still

If you go back to Richmond, sneak into Hollywood Cemetery at night. That’s ghosts enough.

Psychonauts (and a couple of other games) is the reason I still have a PS2. It’s just so good.

Psychonauts (and a couple of other games) is the reason I still have a PS2. It’s just so good.

Neither of them will ever come close to the awesomeness of her first wedding dress. It's nice to see she didn't even try.

He died a few years back, but apparently were in the process of divorcing. I lost a lot of respect for him at the end there.

My remaining furniture (mostly sentimental) and various odds and ends are still at my parents’ house after I moved to Europe in 2005...fortunately they had just moved from an apartment to a house and used most of my stuff to fill holes.

The seat directly next to her is the one Philip was always in (in pictures, anyway) so it’s extra sad.
Say what you will about the monarchy, this was a woman at the funeral of  the husband she’d been married to for 73 years, unable to have any more than the smallest of gatherings (like too many others) to send him

It has me at 48, which is absolutely unfair because my birthday isn’t until August! (so yeah, it’s pretty spot-on for me. Within 6 months is a pretty good range.)