
She has a newsletter! It's lovely.

Plus, a lot of us are still trying to pay off our student loans (20+ years later) because we were sold the idea of university being the only route and graduated into economic disaster. We’re still living our ideals, we’re just not as performative. No wonder we’re cynical.

It always really confused me, too. Now if someone could explain opening wine with ice, tongs, and a feather...

I live here and the tram I would take to/from work passes the statue...ever since I learned the story, my evening commute usually involved some thoughts of dismemberment and cannibalism.
Lockdown has been lacking the oddest things.

The Haags Historisch Museum (Hague History Museum) has Johan’s tongue and Cornelius’s finger on display (here: and there’s a statue of Johan de Witt on roughly the spot they were dismembered. Which is now a square full of cafes and

I have Mothership V and most of her six-pan palettes and if I could only use one brand for the rest of my life, this would be it. I have a bunch of her other stuff too, but the eyeshadows are where it’s at. There’s a slight learning curve and I’ve figured out which types of brushes work best, and it’s all been

I’m going to need to work on my cheddar-smuggling game. Sigh. Anyone feel like attempting to mail me some very old Wookey Hole? To NL? About half an hour from Hoek van Holland? No?

Videos don’t work so well for me when I’m peeping in while at work. I can come back to an article (or even a slideshow, though I still hate those things) much more easily. 

Exactly. And damn, they’re tasty. (Plain or apple are best.)

They’re about the size of the palm of your hand, so they’d be enormous donut holes. But that’s basically what they are.

We made olieballen on NYE (Dutch household in NL) and I took advantage of the pot of hot oil and made hushpuppies after (because I’m a dual citizen and miss hushpuppies).

My “if I win the lottery” plan is to just take classes for the rest of my life. No degree in mind (I embraced a “literary fluff only” lifestyle after my MA), just “hey, this sounds interesting” and going for it.

The thingy in the picture is colorful and pretty enough that I may just fall for it. Except for the savory. :D

He posts his weekly(?) cheat meals and they are epic. Like, more than I eat in a week. So if he’s eating ice cream, he’s eating a couple of pints at a time.

I have a Lauren RL sweater that’s still going strong after about 10 years of really regular wear. I would have been really impressed if the line were outlet-only (I can’t remember where I got mine. Probably from my sister, actually).

That’s Polish zloty. It’s roughly $24.

I’ve bought a ridiculous amount of makeup during this whole thing - I’ve been really bored, so I’m having fun with different colors and techniques. And since I’ve only looked “professional” from the waist up for about 8 months now (jammie pants + nice sweater is my current look), it’s something that makes me feel like

Same. It was very much theater, including the press conferences full of white-coated doctors and his little photo sessions and drive-by.

I’ve been paying faithfully on mine, at least 1.5 times the minimum, for about 15 years now. I’m still paying the interest. I haven’t even come close to paying the principal. And I have no idea how people do it.
Technically, since I left the country and my income on my US tax return is well under the limit to exclude,

I really really hope you’re right, but from past experience I have no hopes for blue outside of the usual Indy voters. I vote absentee in Hendricks (the election supervisor there is wonderful, btw), but I’m always a little discouraged by my birth state. The stories from my family just feed that pessimism.