
It’s messing with the pages, too - on my tablet, if I try to scroll down before the page (very slowly) fully loads, I get content only on about 1/4 of the screen (not even a paragraph) and the rest is blank. It’s Chrome, new-ish tablet, and never had any issues until a few weeks ago. And Chrome on mobile doesn’t have

Growing up in the States and now Dutch, I learned about Nasi (and Bami) Goreng as an adult and it’s been a lovely surprise.

I’m 47, and in the same weight-loss boat. I’d would totally be up for chin/neck sucking, putting my eyelids back to where they used to be (they haven’t moved much, but I notice it) and something to take care of jiggly upper arms.

There are two Cinnabons that I know of here (NL) in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, and they will mail you cinnabons. They’re a day old by the time you get them, but this was the most dangerous “things I can order online for next-day delivery” discovery of 2020 for me.

I’m absentee and have already voted and got confirmation that it’s been received. The election supervisor for my district is amazing. Also, I vote in one of the few states that allows you to send your completed ballot by email (and a signed form allowing them to print it out, since they may see it during printing).

Wait, what? How is this supposed to make him look better, even in his own mind?

I’ve made Ottolenghi’s eggplant and lentil stew (any lentils are fine, but the puy ones are the best) so many times that I have the recipe memorized. Actually, pretty much every eggplant recipe of his that I’ve tried has turned out gorgeously. Highly recommended.
But yeah. I think the main issue here is food fatigue. I

On the more positive side, now is the right time to get your passport renewed according to an article I read the other day and now can’t find (could have been the consular newsletter, since I’m an expat). It’s an optimistic move that you will eventually get to travel again!
And I may see my family again someday...

He was a decent Tommy Lee in The Dirt, so that’s my only mental picture of him.

I get to email mine. To a traditionally red state (Indiana), too. And the people I communicate with in Hendricks County are quick to confirm receipt and have always been helpful and professional.

Nope. Everyone (which is me, mostly) knows that the One True Breakfast (usually from a train station Kiosk/AH to go) is a saucijzenbroodje. Or the pain au chocolat, which ties back nicely to the article.

I’ve lived in NL since 2005 and made that mistake recently...My only excuse is that I was in a hurry and it was the dosage I wanted, just not the, um, ingestion method.

You are my people - I’ve been Team “Massive stroke where he can’t talk or type but knows what’s going on around him as everything crashes to the ground, including his entire ‘empire’” for a while now. I’m usually not this kind of person, but...

Everyone needs to vote as if their single vote will be the one to decide the election. Nobody can be complacent, nobody can “sit it out”. This is the most critical election in my lifetime, at least (I’m 47).

Learning the language was part of the requirements to renew my residence permit in NL (Dutch husband, American me), but it was quick enough taking evening classes twice a week in preparation for the exams. I was pretty eager to learn, actually - most Dutch people do speak English, but there’s something very isolating

As an American living and working in The Netherlands (for a Dutch organization) for the last 15 years, I pay taxes here but also file my US taxes every year. Since I make below the threshold to tax foreign earned income ($105,900 for 2019), I basically fill out two forms, add my income (in USD), subtract my income,

As an American living in the Netherlands (and I live and work in popular tourist cities), I also approve this. Vehemently. Please don't try to come here. I've cancelled my plans to go there.

I love the Welsh brothers so much. They’re lovely, informative, and no BS.

Back before Cherry Coke was on the market, we used to make our own with grenadine. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize grenadine, that sickly sweet flavor that I think cherry products try to mimic, wasn’t actually cherry at all.

Only people veal. Cow veal is still off the table.