
Please don't besmirch the name of Heinlein! Though that WOULD have been a really interesting conversation :D

I want to see more of the yellow and red one in slides 2 and 8(? I think?), too.

Outside the mobile phone market, the maps actually are a product in their own right - Navteq (now Nokia) maps are in all Garmin products and in most manufacturer-installed auto GPS systems, and outside of the original sales, map updates are a huge part of their income. I really see Navteq as Nokia's saving grace

I'm with you - it's not really that I need epub support, but that it's the product of a seller trying to tie you into their proprietary format and theirs alone. And succeeding.

Please go to the police and submit a report! You don't know how many other women he may have done this to, who didn't file reports because they were also afraid.

It was the same in the late 70s in Kentucky (I was an army brat, so it was on post) - we had those red tablet things that showed you where you missed when you brushed and the fluoride cup thingies. I didn't think they'd been phased out - the red teeth were both hilarious and gross at the same time.

My mom made the same thing, only she'd also throw in a can of peas. That stuff is GOOD. I still have it maybe once a year, when I have a massive craving for it.

Yeah. I looked at the comparisons and still feel really good about my decision to move from my iphone to a (European) OneX a couple of months ago, instead of waiting for this one.

I have the same one - a couple of times I've looked up series reading order online, but that's it. The browser is too slow and small for anything else, but it's my dedicated reader so I'm actually pretty happy about that (since it means I don't have the internet beckoning me while I'm reading).

Totally. Mine are always freezing.

I totally agree with you. I work from home most of the time, so I'm usually only a little put together. When I actually leave the house I'm dressing up for me, even if it's just to go to the grocery store. I feel good when I'm more put together, have makeup on, etc. even though I know nobody's going to notice or care.

OMG Corgi stampede!

Kotaku Fix! It's mostly awesome. (also for firefox)

You're definitely not - as long as they keep making/selling e-ink readers, I'll keep buying e-ink readers. Reading on a tablet hurts after a while, even without the distractions.

I'd like to add: don't go too far in the other direction, either - the last time a friend got pregnant was in the middle of our investigations as to why it wasn't happening for us, and the announcement was very, very delicately worded, to the point where I felt like they expected me to get upset instead of happy. Were

I didn't. We were both so exhausted we didn't have the energy to do anything but eat something and collapse.

I have nothing to add here, but want to say:

I usually end up on United, travelling alone - for the upgrade on Amsterdam to Chicago flights, it's 85 euros, which is just about 10 euros per hour. Once I did that math (instead of the "WTF? 85 more euros each way on an 800 euro ticket?!?!" thinking) I decided it's necessary.

Economy Plus has saved my sanity - my parents are in Indianapolis and I'm in NL, and I make the trip once or twice a year. Between the extra few inches of space (which make a HUGE difference) and the usually open seats, I have room to spread out a bit and actually relax during my 8+ hour flights. It's TOTALLY worth

I live just outside The Hague, in a house from 1998, and I joke that I live inside a big Igloo cooler - the house is constructed out of concrete (including inside walls, which makes hanging things a major PITA) and insulated with styrofoam. This house is 50 sq.m bigger than our last one (all brick inside and out,