
The only time I not only like it but look forward to it with great anticipation is State Fair season. A friend of mine in Iowa started the pictures again last night and they are amazing! Part of it's nostalgia (no state fairs here, much less fried everything on a stick) and part of it is that she tries to make a point

I'm also from Virginia, and somehow when I land on US soil my accent not only comes back but also rebounds on may be the jet lag, it may be hearing "my" accent again, it may be that it's been suppressed (you can NOT speak Dutch with a Hampton/Poquoson accent) and is wreaking its vengeance on me, but somehow I

Part of my job is to try to make those things into actual English, and then have them translated...some of them are SO BAD that I kind of throw my hands up and make a best guess. It may not be 100% correct, but it's still a 1000% improvement over the original.

I enthusiastically watched every single gymnastics event I could find, with my husband on the couch next to me, making many, many "omigod LOOK AT HIM AND WHAT HE IS DOING" comments.

That's my dream - to be able to study anything and everything that catches my interest, without worrying about when I'm supposed to graduate and what kind of student loans I'm racking up. And travel. Lots and lots of travel.

I don't have it with clothes, but I DO have it with certain books and/or flavors. For example, the first time I read Stranger in a Strange Land it was 1994 and I was sitting in a laundromat in SF, drinking a root beer. Every time I read it now, I can almost taste/smell the surroundings.

Kalifornia was Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis. And would be awesome to rewatch...I may have to add something to my watch again list :)

I love it. The USO doesn't just put on shows, it also does a lot in support of military families, from learning/teaching programs to providing a private space in airports for military and their families to have somewhere quiet to wait or unite or rest. I'm a former army brat, and just the airport locations were

By being mutual friends with a few other people, I got to watch the rise, fall, and inevitable divorce of my ex's second marriage. It was weirdly therapeutic - I would look at my current, amazing husband and appreciate him even more, while reveling in the knowledge that I had dodged a HUGE, VERY IMMATURE bullet.

The only reason to go downtown is Nicky Blaine's. Seriously. MMmmmmm.

Only if I can have the purple and silver ones on the left :)

I moved to The Netherlands, found a job, and have a better life than I did in either Virginia OR Indiana. AND I pay higher taxes than any tax bracket in the US (36%) and still come out far ahead of where I was (which, for the record, wasn't a bad place to begin with). Part of that is the health care system.

My husband asks every couple of days what the squees have been, because sometimes you need the adorable things.

If I keep the wifi turned off, I have almost 2 days' worth of battery. If I leave it on, I get less than a day out of it. I've added a widget to my homescreen so I can turn it off and on at will, which helps. I think the issue is that it's searching for connections when I'm out of range of a known hotspot. It almost

Two(?) months ago I renewed my mobile contract and retired my iPhone4 for a One X and have had no regrets whatsoever. It's quick, it's beautiful, and besides the wifi eating the battery if it's kept on, it's amazing.

It's not just the 20 year olds - why do you think the 50 Shades books are so popular?

I love her. I think half the problem people have is that she's not smiley, so they think she's dour or snobby or other horrible misconceptions people have when they're not bouncy-while-famous.

I...would totally go for Butterball if there was no civet involved. Vegetarianism (and being in a country with no Thanksgiving) kicks me in the ass right around the end of November.

The "look at the GIANT bullet you dodged" thing is half the reason I keep some people in my facebook feed. It's weirdly affirming.

I live in The Netherlands and the same thought popped into my head.