
My grandmother tried to learn how to drive (in the 1950s) and apparently backed out of the driveway straight into a cop car. She never tried again.

I gained 30 lbs. in 3 months and I ended up spotting for 9 months (with 2 shots, as my doctor convinced me that a second dose at the regular time would make it stop) before resorting to the pill to get everything kind of back to normal. It's 15 years later, and no matter what I do, the weight won't come off

He reacted well after the South Park episode, which bumped him up a couple of notches in my book.

He's the Franco of 2012. Hopefully he doesn't sign up for 6 different degree courses anytime soon or he's doomed.

I am/was an army brat, so moving is full of possibilities for me, even if it's just across town. With the last move, though, I discovered I've almost lost the knack for it, since I didn't get myself fully unpacked for several weeks, when usually I'm settled in within a week.

Pfft. We can't have kids, and we still use condoms sometimes for that exact reason.

I loved them in the 90s, when almost everything was made of super soft, yet sturdy and pettable leather - I still have a couple of bags left that, though I carried them for years and dropped them into who-knows-what are still in almost new condition. It used to just get softer and better as it aged.

Try it on - the bottle smells floral, but when it's on an hour or so, it's this awesome beachy scent. No powdery or sugary or vanilla candy smells, I swear!

Honestly? The Jennifer Aniston perfume smells so beachy to me and I'm not totally sure why. It just does, but not in an obvious "this is the beach" sort of way.

I would be bragging to all and sundry. Seriously.

I'm in The Netherlands, but it's all because I have a Dutch husband who sponsored me through the woes of immigration (he wasn't a husband then, but yeah...). I haven't been to Prague yet, but it's on my list :)

I call myself "mostly a vegetarian" because I eat meat about once a month. I figure allowing myself something every once in a while keeps me from caving in (like I've been known to do over the years) and going on some kind of carnivorous rampage.

I'm in Europe now, and do pretty well finding/guessing my shoe size (mostly. At least I only range between 40 and 41, instead of my US "anywhere from 8.5 to 10" bit). 44 just seems SO OFF.

It's the Mango Butter Lipstick - they have it at Sephora for like $18, and it's become my go-to.

If you ever want to go a tiny bit more lipsticky, try the Korres lipsticks. They're still sheer, but they're full of mango buttery goodness and are AMAZING. Your lips just feel so....moisturized in them (not sticky, not wet, kind of...slightly slippery moisturey protected?)

I've noticed the size conversions on a lot of European sized shoes are completely wrong - I'm a 9-9.5, but a 40 (which they say is a 10) to sometimes 41 here. An 11 would be AT LEAST a 42.

My husband was watching Drive, and in my glances at the screen between gory bits, I started to get it. He's...kinda cooler seeming than all this "hey girl" stuff leads me to believe.

I have no color whatsoever in mine - without some kind of makeup, I look like a bit pale circle with dark eye dots and brows. I'm not "spackling" my face, but I've learned the importance of blush and eyeliner (at least) to add SOME color in there.

the text under the video said something like "please forgive the heavy breathing, I had a bad cold."

Thank you very much - it's nice to hear positive results :) My husband's surgery is in a couple of weeks, and we're kind of afraid to get our hopes up.