
Thank you for this comment. We're about to go through ICSI/IVF, and have been working on it for a couple of years now. Adoption in this country (NL) is a 5-10 year process and is more expensive than the treatments (our insurance covers 3 attempts, and even if we were to pay, it's still less expensive).

For a minute, I thought you were my sister. My dad did the same thing at the same age (though I don't think he took the dog), sometime around 1955.

I spent my teen years (the serious crush on Duff ones) in Tacoma. His being a local added to his allure, especially in 1989.

I'm pretty comfy with my continued Duff love - I was giddy at 16 because of the hot bad boy thing (damn he looked good in leather pants) and now at 38 lust/respect him for what he has to say and has done with himself since the 80s.

I would too, just not necessarily together!

It's not Jack and Rose that make me cry at Titanic, it's the old couple, snuggling together in their bed to die together that does it to me EVERY TIME. I make my husband forward over it and still get sniffly and occasionally sob as he's scanning over it.

I...never made that connection. Damn. I totally get it now.

same here, if only to be able to read all of his tweets in his voice :D

A female relative of mine works for a Catholic hospital and has her insurance through them. It's usually quite good, but when she needed a D&C after suffering a (n early - just under 3 months) miscarriage, they refused point blank and said she needed to wait for her body to expel it naturally...

THANK YOU. Do you have any idea how many people with digital cameras on my fb feed alone are now "photographers" and actually doing business? IT DRIVES ME CRAZY.

I REALLY thought that whole statement should have been in past tense.

I would probably go all shy, staring enviously at those who actually went in and started playing, but not quite getting the nerve up it myself for at least half the day/evening/whatever.

I go visit my family in the US and always pick up at least one pack! You're not alone!

I can, um, TOTALLY back her up on that one. My best friend lives in Zurich, and any time I go, I ignore him completely to watch the menfolk...he thinks it's hilarious.

There's a cruise collection that actually has cuter pieces than the collection that was released earlier - I could see myself wearing about half of it, if they had deigned to go up to an XL.

Or the single shoe by the side of the highway...or in the middle.

It's most likely face powder - some of the HD stuff reflects like that if it's applied unevenly.

They're little gel(?) filled thingies that look like chicken cutlets and are stuffed in a bra to make your boobs look all VS catalog-ey. Not actual chicken, I swear! (as far as I know...)

Stephen Beatty sounds like he has a really good head on his shoulders (his comments about Chaz Bono really hit on a few things about him [Chaz] that bothered me, but I couldn't quite articulate) and SO much more together than I ever was at that age, and the socks are sweet.

Thanks! I would actually be going back for my Ph.D, so it's not like I haven't had many years of wallowing in academia (I love it. Wallow is used here in the most gleeful form). One day...