
Please tell me that photo is you. It's a gorgeous shot, you look amazing and super happy, and the dress is beautiful!

That's also my favorite roller coaster of all time. EVER. The Fabio nose thing is just icing on the cake (and makes you look around for fowl when you hit the top of the first hill)

I loathe books/stories written in the present tense (seriously! Who speaks like that?!), so I stuck with the "Mark Reads" versions of the books, which were really, really great: []

That was exactly the thing - the 3rd movie was the only one where I could REALLY tell who was there to humor their dates/SOs, because all I heard the entire film were questions from almost half the theater about what was going on.

I understand and appreciate that it's her own bag, but couldn't they have at least photographed something currently available, as the idea behind an ad campaign is to make people want what they can buy at the stores?

But unfortunately the country's always had a knack for (over)regulation and creating issues where there aren't any and this is just another expression of that; let's hope they won't follow through on this particular self-destructive whim.

It's the same with the generic "Southern" accent they use. Sorry, but in my part of VA there are at least 10 distinct accents, none of which sound like this random crap they insist in having every actor/actress speak with. And that's just one portion of one state. Seriously.

THAT's Alfie? Like "brother from the song that gets stuck in my head and I don't mind because it's adorable" Alfie? Whoa.

As a former Richmond resident, I agree with you. Hopefully it's a sign things are changing for the better.

Considering the easy availability of authentic bags on the secondhand market now, there's no reason to buy fakes, especially from these "purse parties." It takes some time, some research, and if your budget is at the very low end of the market, some willingness to do some minor repairs (cleaning, mostly), but they CAN

I saw Cheetos, I read Cheerios. And then pictured vintage dresses covered in cereal...I think I may need to give up for the day.

You're totally normal - you'll get it, probably. It may just be that it won't ever turn you on, but my experience was that it took the right combination of person, situation, and being relaxed enough to go with it without being self-conscious before I could enjoy it (the same with a lot of other things, both sexual

He's living my dream (except for the acting and the Oscars). I would LOVE to be able to just stay in school the rest of my life, collecting diplomas here and there and just soaking up everything. Seriously.

Someone tried to shoot an upskirt of me on an escalator leaving the metro in Paris. Fortunately I was wearing black leggings and a black skirt at the time (and actually yelled "what were you expecting to get out of that shot? Dumbass!" after him), but that was the only issue I've had.

THANK YOU!!! I have the same issue, with damn near every pair out there.

I just bought them again, since I hadn't read them in like 20 years, and all of the spanking gets boring. We get it. She's spanked a lot. Whatever. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the second book and am starting to get bored with it.

A-ha. She's 3 steps ahead of me, who was too discouraged to read far enough.

So when does she trot out the "But I have Black friends! I can't be racist!" argument?

When I was a kid, like 3, the neighbors had a skunk and I thought it was THE COOLEST THING EVER, LIKE SERIOUSLY. This was the mid-70s, and we lived in a trailer park, so I always thought it was just some weird fringe hippie thing...I really don't remember anything else from that timeframe.

I'm late to the game, but lentil soup is the easiest thing EVER! I don't even know amounts, so play with it to your liking, but: