
"Under God" was added in 1954(I think), as basically a marketing ploy to separate "us" from the "atheist communists" during the Cold War. That's it. My parents are older than the sacred cow that is "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance.

My retired military, veteran of two "wars" officer father actively seeks out new Nora Roberts/JD Robb books, refuses to wait for the paperback editions, and I love him all the more because of it.

I was in a book club for a couple of years, made up only of women (accidentally, not deliberately). We read classics (George Eliot, Shakespeare), we read children's books (Pullman), we read contemporary. We also read The Hobbit, and made Deathly Hollows a special topic, since we all had it pre-ordered. We ranged in

It's not that bad - I live in Europe and visit my family in the US a couple times a year, and honestly, I've been treated respectfully every time, going through many different airports in the US and Europe. Just be polite - it's never as bad as the media makes it out to be. Like anything else, only the most outrageous

I feel you. I dated the redneck Orlando Bloom for a couple of years, and had a hard time getting through a couple of movies because of it.

I have asthma, higher body fat, and started my period right around 10, but my mother's going to read this and want to know WHY THE HELL she didn't get to have babies with lower birth weights if there's some correlation. (I was the smallest at 9.4. My sister was 10.2 and has worse asthma than I do).

I read the Chuckles stuff and went back to the Mariah blurb - I've never been a fan, but clicking on the link and reading the fluff there helped me wipe some really nasty images out of my head.

I can only imagine the frustrations inherent in trying to file as a married couple, in your own country, with your lawfully wedded husband/wife and being rejected. It's freaking ridiculous.

Start with the easy stuff that accent but you can have some confidence with - tinted moisturizer is a good place to start (as long as it matches. Laura Mercier has a lot of shade selections) and is pretty foolproof. Neutral, near skin-tone shadows (without eyeliner yet!), mascara that won't go everywhere (actually,

I have to admit to trying to figure out how to hide knives up my sleeves after reading Jhereg, myself...also at age 14. I actually just finished reading Iorich this morning.

@Cheniqua_17: One of mine, as per family legend, was her husband. Go figure.

@SoxontheBeach: I totally read it as tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. Some of it's just WAY sarcastic and over the top, and the guy is a satirist.

I'm actually impressed with the company for how quickly he was fired - I can't see too many houses acting so quickly to distance themselves from someone whose designs worked to revitalize the entire company. I'm going to keep wearing my makeup, my amazing pair of (secondhand) stilettos, and lusting over a couple of

@mahmahmahpokerface: I recommend Duffy as well. Her voice is great and she's made some really good music. I actually prefer her to Adele.

Please let it be someone who does accessories well - it's been a very long time since the saddle bag, and Dior could use a fresh influx of beautifully designed bags/shoes.

@Little Bumble Bee: Blackout is the only full album of hers that I own. It's really, really great in the car.

@viperbri: I hope you don't mind if I add one to your thorough list:

@viperbri: I hope you don't mind if I add one to your thorough list:

AND SHE'S WRITING!!!! I squealed when I read that.