
@Smartipants: You can look back at 40 as special, though it's for a sad reason :( (my sister is also an 8/8 baby. Nice day)

@ice__princess: An ex of mine had a birthday on Christmas, too, so we all arbitrarily named a day in June as "Tony day" to make up for it. It worked quite well, actually.

@hatepaperdoll: The recipe: "Take one ripe avocado, one egg yolk, one ripe banana and two teaspoons of almond oil. Mix, apply to the skin, leave on for 10 minutes and remove with a warm flannel."

@sequined: Especially because if you lived through the 80s, the mere mention of Katrina and the Waves brings almost as many evil ear-worms as mentioning Bobby McFerrin. It's not something anyone who was subjected to the neverending airplay would ever bring it on themselves willingly.

@bellzar08: I have one of her dresses and it's awesome. And I'm a 16. Who managed to fit into a dvf 14. Which means she's one of the few who actually goes into sizes above 10 and makes things that still look amazing on someone who's in double digits (I'm looking at you, Miuccia Prada. Damn your sizing!)

@Cam/ron: A couple of kids I went to jr. high with were the youngest (at the time) juveniles tried and convicted as an adult for murder in WA. There were two of them- one was weird and caught up in the whole gang thing (they had just started moving up the coast- this is 1987, I think), the younger one (who I sat next

I keep getting distracted by how great her haircolor is. It's really flattering.

@wembles: Good luck! Mine was a lot easier than I thought it would be- they've been working with you or keeping abreast of your work the whole time, so they should be genuinely interested, not interrogatory.

a procedure called Pillows for Your Feet (starting at $500), recommended twice annually, involving Juvéderm and Sculptra injections that provide cushioning for foot soles

Ok. This will never get seen, as I'm always REALLY late to post, but I saw Def Leppard on the last date of the "Hysteria" tour. Their special surprise last-date-of-the-tour guest? Bret Michaels.

@octobersky is electric barbarella: I saw them last June, in a place with only about 3500 people (I think), general admission, and it was AMAZING. I'd been waiting for it since 1984 or so.

@haguenite: "Making things easier and cheaper" essentially doubled the price of everything, from what I understand, so that kind of backfired.

@Ana La Tejana: I LOVE her. I preorder her books from Amazon so they're here as soon after they come out as possible. And did you know if you preorder through her husband's bookstore you can get the new ones autographed and automatically shipped when they come out?

@baraqiel: I have a cashmere Missoni sweater that originally cost more than my damn laptop (I got it for roughly 90% off). I pet it. I pet it in the closet and I pet it when I'm wearing it. (sometimes I catch myself and look around to make sure nobody noticed) Someday, if it falls apart, I'm taking the shreds and

@Plum-Pie: I go to the bag store and pet them. They're lovely, and when the store does the seasonal sales, I can almost reach one.

@greengrey: In another picture, it looks like there's a foot or so of red roots. Maybe she's growing it back out... I don't get her or Nicole Kidman- they're both natural redheads who look GREAT natural and just like every other blonde actress when they go light.

@lilbobbytables: Skirts, tights, leggings (under skirts, never never alone), and dresses. And yoga pants. That's really the extent of my wardrobe- I wore a pair of jeans a couple of weeks ago and half my office voiced shock.

@TakeADeepBreath: My first thought was "$178 for thrift shop shorts?"

@Rosaxe: I agree- I refuse to visit his site and have for years now.

@oh.geez.: I've read his books- he's really, really pretty, but really, really messed up. Like one of those guy friends who you'd have sex with, but never, never date.