
@Bgirl_Hamster: In my experience, the smooth everything out- the lumps are still there, but there aren't bumps in them, and they look softer.

@sarrible: I'm so incredibly jealous of your job. Copyediting can be very boring and frustrating, but copyediting Harlequins, in my imagiination, is endless amusement, day in and day out, in my imagination.

I met my husband on the Moby messageboards. So even though he hasn't actually had a "good relationship" himself, he's indirectly responsible for mine.

@thatsrealbutter: When I read "banana rolls" I think of those cream-filled little banana-flavored cake thingies.

@emilyanne: I want to escape when I have stress, not read about/watch/empathize with someone else who is going through stress. At times like these, I like my reading fluffy and unreachable, my movies funny, and my entertainment non-traumatic.

@annewithaneee: I'm an army brat, and even now at 35 I can't watch war-related movies. There was too much stress when my dad was deployed to various places and we wouldn't be able to hear from him for weeks at a time (and getting all sorts of news reports about what was going on around him, but of course only the

@Youthier: Technically, I could NOT be his mother! I was having sex by then, but for only 3 months before then, so that makes it all good, and I'm not a creepy old lady.

I did nude photos of a friend of mine back when I was finishing school (about 10 years ago), and we actually just talked about them a couple of weeks ago. She loves them- she said that she has a reminder of her body when she was 21, before children and body changes, and even now when she brings them out, she feels

@LadySoprano: I was visiting my family a couple of weeks ago, and made it to Target at least once a day for the 8 days I was there. Toiletries, books, pajamas, etc.

@pandorasmittens: I kept reading it as "teSt slut" and was completely confused for a while.

The streaming link doesn't work outside the US! I'm crushed.

@bluebears: Their tops and dresses are usually good, but the bottoms are all over the place- my size 14 butt will fit a 12 skirt from there, but not come anywhere near fitting into a 16 pant. It's enough to make one weep in frustration.

@haguenite: I can't stand his ass. He's part of the reason I'm going for the passport- I want voting rights!

@rockferry: That one's the best! I went a little overboard at their Nars display.

@SylvanSylph: I got PS2s both times I've been married, as wedding presents.

He looks a LOT like Vince Neal in the 2005 picture, and I'm not talking about the 80s semi-attractive Vince.

@Lirael: and stuffing shaped like ice cream scoops!

@morninggloria: That was an almost diet coke up the nose double take for me.

@seresy: Not that he's tiny. I was a well-developed twelve year old.

@Samanthrax: My husband's jeans all have a waistband that may have fit me when I was TWELVE. Every time I do laundry, I curse the tiny pants.