
I'm way ahead of the trends, as I'm used to being poor. My lipstick collection is stupendous.

@Julesteriffic: Oh, definitely. Besides, if you really throw yourself into it, it's a good workout.

@pinkyBella: I found out here, in an unrelated thread. There was some commentary about a hot guy and then a comment saying something about it being "better than watching them roll out Heath Ledger's body bag on cnn" or something like that.

@Katxyz:"Dutch occupies a strange middle ground between English and German in my head."

My parents (I suspect this was actually only my mother) gave me a book when I was 9 called "Where do I come from?" It was adorable- cartoons, cute but not too cutesy, used actual, honest terms for everything and covered the works from periods to the act to orgasms. Then she asked if I had any questions, which

@Archetype: I like hearing the acting's not great because, as a big fan of the books, the show is something I've still not watched... I'm still circling it delicately.

@junkyardarts: I have a makeup bucket, and half of that list above (at least) is in it... I probably spend too much on makeup, but I hang on to it until the texture changes or it smells funny, so it's not quite as bad as it looks.

@CrankyOldBroad: The white/black routine would work better if she had her pretty, pretty red hair back.

@happysquid: I met my husband on a message board. It's been just fine. My mother calls our extended friendship before actually meeting our "old fashioned courting period."

@Lizawithazee: It's weird- I managed to survive off of less than $1000 a month when I was in school. Granted, I still have a lot of debt from then (I had a credit card for car repairs and medical expenses that I'm still paying on 10 years later), but somehow I was able to go out all the time and didn't miss anything.

@Vastarien202: I was heading into my house one afternoon, when the 4 year old girl from down the block asked me if the big gray cat was mine... She then informed me that my cat had strolled into her house, gone upstairs, beaten up her cat, and walked back down the stairs and out the door.

@stacyinbean: and your comment just reminded me that there's a new episode to download!

@lastbroadcast: I was an accident- I showed up 5 months after the wedding. My mom insists that they were just "caught practicing" after their engagement.

@Smartipants: I'm late to the response (of course), but that's brilliant!

@seresy: And the point of that whole thing is, I won't talk much crap about him for a couple of reasons. The first is that he is a decent guy. Immature and spoiled, yes, but a good guy. The second is that he did me the biggest favor ever by destroying my world for that while.

I keep being tempted to send my ex a thank you note, but I'm afraid it would be received as cattier than I intend... He decided he wasn't ready to be married a bit less than 2 months into the marriage, marries his next girlfriend (who showed up not long after the split and ragged on me to everyone because I was the

I can see traces of 80s and early 90s Madonna with the red lipstick! I'm ignoring the green thing because of it and her pretty, pretty hair.

@Ack: It's the classic "that bitch stole my boyfriend" mindset only on a much grander scale.

@JustZoot: I had such a crush on him when I was a kid, and then again when I got hooked on Nick at Nite.