
Did her father have anything to do with her genes? Besides the height, anyway. Who else thinks it's ironic that, out of all of the people in the music business, MADONNA is the one with the normal children? 80s me is in shock at the moment.

They could be like t-shirt bras for kids, right? My nine-year-old, forced into a bra self would have LOVED something to downplay the embarrassing, "growing more quickly than the already obnoxious boobs" nipples I had popping out at that age...

Denise Richards is one of those women who was so gorgeous as a brunette that I can't understand why she went blonde and started to blend in with the interchangeable Jessica Simpson type Hollywood starlet people. :(

She was soooooo gorgeous when she had some body fat and a rounder face. Age gracefully! Spread a little! We don't mind. Really.

I cycle everywhere, and even though winters aren't too ridiculous here, I couldn't have made it through happily without my Uggs. My feet are happy. Unfortunately, they're not work wear, even though I'm in a casual office, so my toes were really cold this morning :(

I have three pair of the thong Birkenstocks, and live in them all summer. So do the German tourists- I guess the inside shoe thing only counts when you're actually in Germany? Hmmm...

My mother has a tendency to yell warnings, gasp loudly, and otherwise make me paranoid while I'm driving, to the point where I have both banished her to the backseat and taken away her glasses at various times. And I'd still rather drive her around than have her drive me.

My mother lied and told us that children under 10 weren't allowed in the grocery store. The times she had to take us with her, my sister and I were so paranoid we'd do something and get kicked out (she had gotten "special permission" to bring us) that we were afraid to do ANYTHING.

My ex, who I was married to for a grand total of seven weeks before he freaked out and "wasn't ready to be married", married his next girlfriend. The girlfriend he swore he was only friends with, who he denied was living in our old apartment after I moved out, who was making up gossipy shit about me when they really

I haven't reread any of these in years- when I remember them, I get all nostalgic and woozy and feel like a 12 year old with a crush.

The worst sex of your life and/or any one occasion that lasted less than a minute don't count (they're not necessarily the same), and I've knocked one or two off just on principle.

I wish I had the life my survey answers reflected. That person flies internationally at least twice a year, has great income (that's not all sucked away by taxes and student loans), and isn't edging out of the 15-34 category.

I snore. I talk. I make hand gestures while talking, and occasionally sit up to converse. I have the same terrors as distressed pony, where I'm disoriented, or that something bad is happening and I wake my husband up to save him, too, which I think is a pretty damn generous gesture for someone who's asleep, and one he

My father thought it was funny to bite the heads off of all of my Peeps, put them back in the box, and leave them on my bed. I retaliated by leaving Peep heads at the foot of his bed. Nobody messes with my marshmallow bunnies/chicks. Nobody.

@TheFormerJuneBronson: I'm more of the "I could do it if I relearned, but I'll sit over here and ponder the effects of participation in WPA programs on the Abstract Expressionist movement and use a damn calculator/program/internet instead" type.

I've had the vague notion that I would have kids, even though I've usually enjoyed sending them home as much as I've enjoyed hanging out with them. We're thinking about starting to try for our first late this year. I'm terrified.

I really suck at math, but that's because it's not my thing, not because I'm a woman. Ask me about art, history, etc. and I'm great. Math, not so much.

I didn't propose yesterday (Leap Day)- I got married.

The old man outfit probably cost more than I make in a month.

I'm currently too drunk to focus, and I'm not enjoying it, but I do have to admit (at 3:30 am my time) that I will see this alone if I have to.