
I'm mostly a vegetarian, and my bf is fully one- he hasn't eaten meat in 9 years or so, and I tend to keep it down to once every 6 weeks, usually when I want something (like a piece of fried chicken or a steak) so badly that I go out and get it.

@KitWisdom: I'd think you were a sleeptyping me, but we're doing the deed in Feb. instead of July.

My cell is off unless I want to call someone- last week, when someone actually called me on it, I spent a few confused seconds wondering where the hell that muffled music was coming from and looking for outdoor speakers.

People spread as they age. Unless you're Madonna, you're sure as hell not going to look the same at 50 as you did at 25.

@dosido: She is a natural blonde, so you may be closer than you think.

My sister and I were both 11, but we were completely different body types. I was only an inch or so from my current 5'7", and was skinny as a rail until I grew boobs, back, and belly right around the same time my period started. My sister was always a bit shorter and chubbier (she's 5'2"), but she started her period

Are those gray tights around his neck?

I was lucky because my dad was in the army and we moved every 6 months-3 years. I can look back and realize I had the same personality when I was 9 that stood me in good stead when I was 16, but I sure as hell wouldn't go back to any time before 13 if you paid me.

Is it me, or does he look like Mike Bordin (drummer) from Faith no More?

Post-separation, I went to visit a friend in Zurich (my "consolation prize" for having such a short marriage), and was not restrained when, after a ridiculous number of afternoon drinks, I wandered into a shoe store and bought the Most Fabulous Pair of Shoes in Existence.

I'm obsessing over Lasik these days. I hate my glasses SO VERY MUCH with a virulent unstinting passion that I got contacts when I was 12, and my doctor decided to inform me the other day that the eye irritation I've had for 6 months means I will probably never be able to wear them again. I didn't sob, but it was so.

@warmaiden: I love Nora Roberts! She's been a bit slack lately in the trilogies, but part of what I've always loved about her work are the strong female leads, the suspense (honestly, I see her as more a mystery writer than a romance one), and the fact that her women really don't take any shit from anyone.

This is something I've been thinking about- I'll be 35 in August, my fiance (crap. Can't ever spell that. One or two e's?) will be 40 in November, and since we'd like to have a kid, now's the best time. Financially, maybe not. Mentally, we're pretty much there. The amount of sheer terror that rises with all of the

The brown dress with the mermaid dresses isn't so bad...

That bird thing happened on my favorite roller coaster, which always ends up in a snickering memorial to Fabio's nose: every time I'd get harnessed in, I'd find myself conducting paranoid searches for low-lying geese.

@fabulousrobots: Which Richmond? I'm from the VA one, though I don't live there anymore.

@titania1285: I'm also in a September wedding with chocolate brown dresses. Fortunately, we get to pick our own dresses. Unfortunately, the bride's sister in my case is a 6' tall natural redhead who's gorgeous, so we're all going to be stumpy little brown gnomes no matter what we come up with on our own.

The question that keeps running through my head, though, is: How exactly did they find each other out? Was she the one who was next up and randomly got her husband as a client?

The only reason my "number" is in the mid-teens is that I had a friend... one who was really, really good but not someone I'd commit to, and for almost a decade, every time the two of us were single, we'd end up back in bed, floor, couch, etc.