
Because of this thread (I did NOT watch the video) it is now after 2am, and I CANNOT SLEEP because I keep getting phantom butt itches. And picturing worms popping out to lick my underwears and stuff.

@tscheese: I have the same problem when I wear my glasses. Getting the smudges off of the lenses (when everything's not quite dry and I decide that vision is good) isn't a lot of fun, either.

@LaPanique:"Indeed. Mine didn't "work" but it was just someone I really liked talking to on the board, which became email, which became phone calls and international visits. :)"

We're getting ready to have wedding #2 for each of us, and this time it's an intimate little thing instead of the (still low-budget, but much more formal) things we'd each had previously. So... the cake is being made by a friend of a friend who makes awesome and gorgeous cakes (anyone in NL who wants a cake, I'll send

I've been switching back and forth between the Diorshow waterproof and the Chanel Inimitable waterproof. Either is awesome, but the Chanel doesn't dry out as quickly, and the two widely different brushes manage to give a similar effect.

@LaPanique: I coupled up with mine on the Moby boards. There are/were quite a few who have even done the international move after meeting there (us included), and we're the second that I know of who are getting married.

I have some of the BE "warmth" stuff that I theoretically use as bronzer. My sister and I got sucked into buying one of the starter sets at the airport a few years back, and we ended up very unimpressed. I'm a serious makeup junkie, though (I have at least 30 mac shadows upstairs, and they're just the tip of the

@ccchild: If I were to have sex with a woman, I would need a time machine and be with Madonna circa 1991. Or Siouxsie Sioux, circa anytime I could manage to pull it off. Hell of a combination, huh?

The earrings have to go- otherwise, it's a much better look than the leather pants thing I still envision him in.

I just reread that. Think 11am is too early for a nice vodka and something?

I have about $70,000 in student loan debt, and thanks to my committing career suicide (aka moving to Europe), I've been mostly unemployed for the last 3 years. In my defense, the first 16 months of that time was because I wasn't allowed to work (thanks, Dutch IND!), but finding a position that, even with a BA and an

My mother and I were pretty open about it- she'd not gotten ANY information from her parents when she was growing up, so she was all about making sure we were informed and smart about things. Which is probably why, when I started having sex at 14, with someone I'd been going out with for 6 months, I made sure we used

I got a tablet for my computer and a pasta machine. Go, me! And $300 from my mom, which shouldn't have been as exciting as it was, considering I'm now 34 and should be at the point where $300 no longer feels like a huge amount of money. SO... I felt like a depressed loser until I went out and spent it. Yay!

I'm dying for the day that a makeup artist stops erasing people's lips. Seriously- this "nude to the point of invisibility" thing (aka "soft shimmering pink") stuff makes everyone look like freaky anemic aliens. Just a bit deeper is still neutral.

Since I'm not visiting the family, I'm missing the Holy Christmas Evening Ritual (tm) of extended visits to both Walgreen's and CVS to browse through the makeup and discounted candy sections in a desperate attempt to get away from all of the family togetherness.

My ex-husband was "just not into sex": he apparently never had been and didn't see it changing. Of course, when the relationship was new and exciting, we were doing it anywhere between 2 and 5 times a day, so that one didn't fly very well. There are REASONS he's an ex, and not feeling sexy or attractive anymore was

I don't mind that my SO is somehow lacking the color coordination gene. I also don't mind that he's obviously been living under a rock for the last 2 decades and has no clue about pop culture-it's kind of cute, actually.

When I chose my wedding band, my SO and I had the idea that, since it's lovely and delicate and thin, we could add another like it when we have a child. I like the symbolism- one for the husband-type-person (we're getting civilly-unioned instead of married), one for the kid, each with their name inscribed inside.

After her experiences, the kid's teenage rebellion will be demanding aprons and being Betty Crocker after school. What else is there?

I love the old movies! A friend has a collection of these and of all of the movies they showed in school ("Duck and Cover" type films). They're perfect party background images.