
Being into fashion and being into trends are different matters, and there’s a lot more to fashion than trends. There’s a reason that fashion/fashion history is usually a part of the art section in bookstores. Beyond art, it can be an incredibly meaningful and personal form of self expression and claiming of agency.

So I think it’s pretty clear now that Bastion fucks.

100% uncontroversial take:

can’t wait until someone tells her that she, too, will die like everyone else

Let’s not delude ourselves. The only reason this is set during WWI is to differentiate from Captain America. If you really think there was a meticulous deliberation at WB/DC over reframing the origin setting in order to better nuance the character, I have a bridge to sell you.

People with status dramaticus receive worse care. It’s hard to properly assess someone who is always dying and in the worst pain ever

Cosplayers lead dramatic lives. Ratchet (of Ratchet and Clank fame) cosplayer and TAY contributor division-ten told me how she encountered the official PSX Ratchet cosplayer, and they had an intense staredown. “They waited for me to put on my mask,” she said. Evidently, though, the encounter ended peacefully.

HOW DARE YOU not refer to Nigel by his full official title NOTED FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER NIGEL BARKER?

Seriously, I was ready to give up after the rant about the tyrany of the male gaze part. Yes, I do understand that a lot of women see makeup as an evil forced upon them by patriarchal beauty standards, but the male gaze is not the gaze that drives a woman to spend more than 30 minutes on her makeup. It’s the female

I would have probably had more interest in this article if the author hadn’t felt so compelled to explain how *she* was (of course, don’t you know) completely ABOVE such fluff and nonsense. Way to alienate/insult a percentage of your readers before you ever got to your point. I bailed out hard.

I’m pretty upset with how Jezebel readers are being so incredibly dismissive and actually shitty about this.
Nursing is a predominantly female occupation and as such has routinely been dismissed as a less than vocation for exactly that reason. We have to fight to be taken seriously ALL the time. I get shitty comments

“Who knew the nurses of America moved like the mob?”