
... wait what do you mean *can’t* get drunk?

Hi! I'm a ladycreature in my late 20's. I enjoy vidya games, sci-fi (preferably both at the same time) and fahhhhntasy, and my current goal is to finally realize my secret dork ambition of getting into tabletop gaming. My bf and I had our first legit fight this last weekend, and it was about Star Wars v. Star Trek

I called his office and demanded an antibiotic. I realize I'm not a doctor, but it had worked the last time my skin rebelled, which was also stress induced ... He abided begrudgingly (or what I imagine to be begrudgingly?)

Hah! Since I always make the same lame Supremes joke at that EXACT point in the film I kind of need this XD

Well hey, DA games (and BioWare offerings in general) aren't going to appeal to everyone., and if you were skipping dialogue and counting down until the end of the game it sounds like it just wasn't your cup of tea.

I *loved* Shadow of Mordor but DA:I is definitely at the top of my gaming list this year. I've spent a lot of time with the previous two DA games - I'm also one of the seven who love DAII beyond all reason, pleased to meet you - and this one did not disappoint. They managed to accommodate both the fast combat pacing

This makes me absolutely ill. Death threats, graphic descriptions of rape, tweeting home addresses - jesus, really? This has to stop. This whole situation is getting ridiculous in the worst possible way.