Septon Swearengen


They better bring da ruckus, cause if they don’t...

um, I think you forgot that gay marriage is to blame.

I hate this shit.

No, but blaming the damage on Obama, Hillary and Morning Joe IS.

That’s because there is no mention of global warming in the old testament. It’s well known that if it’s not in the bible, it’s not science.

When the waves come lapping at the door of the clubhouse he’s going to try to charge them $200 for greens fees.

Funny that the same assholes who call climate change “fake news” seemed to have no argument with the scientists who predicted this week’s eclipse...

Destroys it twice, according to some forecasts.

“They’ve been promising it for literally 20 centuries, but THIS time it’s for sure!”

I read it as NIMH and was, like, “Aw, rats!”

Also, never forget that a not insignificant number of people out there believe that Jesus is coming back to end the world soon anyway, so why not trash the joint on the way out?

And in this particular case, rich people in wealthy countries will be the least affected by this forthcoming disaster, so they don’t care. The ones that will suffer the most are the poor in third-world countries (plus anyone living within a few meters of current sea level).

Two words, Hotness Overload.

Even more troubling is how the NIH homepage now redirects you to the Lay’s® potato chips “Do Us a Flavor” contest site.

Republicans: you can defeat ISIS by simply using the words “Radical Islamic Terrorism,” and fix Climate Change by removing any reference from government websites.

Well, when it ends up destroying a lot of our fossil fuel infrastructure, that will probably lead to using less. So it’s lose-win!

The Adam Smith acolytes among us would claim that people are rational enough to sacrifice profits now in order to guarantee profits later, but when the shortterm profits are significant enough, history makes it pretty clear that we get very very dumb in that regard.

Well it’s not like the Trump fvckers even know how to read and when they do their lips move