Hmmm, I was wondering what to do with that mountain.
Hmmm, I was wondering what to do with that mountain.
If you're just doing basic checking I might just go with slitaz, it's easy to set up and a pretty small download compared to the others. Puppy linux doesn't take long to download but a little bit longer to set up properly (with a usb at least). I'm no expert with linux but I've been playing with it a bit recently.…
Amen to that. Minecraft was never easier to play anywhere.
I have both a live and a persistent Ubuntu but I must say that my Puppy linux usb has been the fastest. Slitaz isn't bad either. I usually use the linux live usb creator or unetbootin.
Odin is completely right. But, if it is locked to optical or floppy before hdd or usb, you can use a plop boot manager disc (or floppy) to redirect your boot to a usb. It even works with bios's that don't support usb booting.
Even If I eventually stop transferring files with usb's (which I doubt) I will still always carry one with my portable linux os's, puppy for example. I can't wait for usb 3 to become widespread, flash-booting will be much less painful than it currently is (and with lightweight distros it still isn't bad currently).…
That was an epic manga series.
Your worst nightmare, yes.
Wow, we have so many cheaters here! (yes, me too)
You probably have one of Intel's new cpu's since it has dots. I have an i7 920 and the pins/springs are inside the socket. Personally I haven't had a problems with them on the several systems I've built but I do want to see a guide for fixing bent socket pins as well as cpu pins.
Not a word. ;)
Only brandy? Are you willing to explore other mediums in your training? :3
I know what you mean.
I understand completely about the color situation, I don't want to be shot/arrested. In terms of the shells, I just wanted to find out a bit more from people with personal experience with them to see if it would be worth the effort for me. While simply buying the guns is an answer I have already done that for years.…
It's fine I still laughed. :D
Not quite, it's a bit stronger than your translation. ;)
I've been eying this tutorial for a while. Anybody try it? []
Here you go. Stefans as they are known: []
Exactly as you said. The only "pin" type object could be the prongs on some of the air-restrictors in the guns and they do not do what is described. :P
Just make sure to use the permanent delete option in dropbox if you get rid of the encrypted passwords, otherwise it could still be accessible. While all this is true though, I reel pretty safe with Lastpass because I use strong passwords. I'm just going to enable the multifactor authentication now just to be sure…