I don’t know, trying to dunk on people in Lifehacker’s comments probably ranks pretty high up there on the uninteresting dork scale too...
I don’t know, trying to dunk on people in Lifehacker’s comments probably ranks pretty high up there on the uninteresting dork scale too...
Usually you make a deposit after eating at Taco Bell.
Well, thanks for reading anyway!
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad! If you’ve been subjected to cranberry sauce with only two ingredients I can’t blame you, though. That would be pointless at best.
Just an interesting thing I noticed, the 16GB 7in tablet is the same price as the 16GB 8in tablet right now: $55. As the article mentions, if you have a prime account there is a $15 discount on the 7in but also a $25 on the 8in. If you’re looking at at least 16GB you should definitely consider the larger tablet…
Just an interesting thing I noticed, the 16GB 7in tablet is the same price as the 16GB 8in tablet right now: $55. As…
Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.
WD-40 is NOT a lubricant. When will people figure this out. Go buy some white lithium or silicone based spray nonsense if you want to lubricate something.
One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.
There is a legendary post on the Audi forums of a guy who got in a battle with booters when they booted his car in front of his house. He put the car on dolleys and parked it in his garage so they couldnt tow it.
I’ve seen 4 cars this year run red lights this summer, and I see more cars than not roll or ignore stop signs.
I just don’t get it. I see plenty of bicyclists who are doing great - wearing helmets, signaling, being good street partners, but then you get guys like that who seem to have no concept of their own vulnerability. Cars can only stop so quickly, and being aware of that is super important.
Fairly regular cyclists here, I agree with all of this. Google the cyclist traffic laws in your state. Follow them.
How about those of us out here riding because a) we can’t afford a car and b) we need a way to get to our place of employment? I understand the frustration, as more often than not in my experience the most annoying thing about being a biker is dealing with other bikers. But I promise there’s some of us out here just…
“(Bike riders) are entitled beyond belief.”
And drivers always follow the rules of the road? They never run lights or fail to use their turn signals. And of course they never ever speed. To show how polite drivers are, they door cyclists, call kids on bikes “assholes”, and drive in the bike lane.
As a cyclist who generally follows the rules I see this shit goes both ways. Plenty of asshole cars on the road the implications are just vastly different. Everyone needs to just practice a bit more patience. I was crossing on foot at a cross walk with a stroller holding my nephew and was almost run over by an…
Meh, there are entitled assholes amongst everyone on the road...motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, etc...