
I'm pretty sure that it's only in the cloud if you let it. LastPass encrypts everything locally and there is an option to disable syncing with their servers. That being said, I may end up also enabling the multifactor authentication they have, just to be safe.

I found out about it a similar way. I was playing with my dad when I was ~12 and he did that to me. I thought he was making it up at first. My reaction was rather funny in retrospect.

The other rule that I find people forgetting is how to correctly "castle" their king. Then there is also "en passant" but it's not that common so I can understand why many don't know the rule. What does surprise me is how often people will just promote a pawn to a queen without considering the tactical advantages of

I'm pretty sure it wasn't full auto. It looks like he held the AK in one hand and jiggled his other hand to rapidly fire (with a great loss in accuracy I might add).

Great, now I'm imagining rectal 3D.

O_O I'll just take your word for it.

I have a trackball too but I really prefer to play my fps' with a normal mouse. Aside from that trackballs=win

I don't get that but I do find salt deposits on my mouse even when I'm not gaming.

I love my nerf guns. I bought that rocket launcher kit a few years back and modded all of the guns that came in the kit. Doubled the range at the very least. <3 As for the super soakers, I had the one where you could load a big chunk of ice into the reservoir. Fun stuff.

+1 I love Equilibrium so much.

Reminds me of this picture I fav'd on Flickr a while back.

Especially with no splash barriers.

He has...multiple times on tv. :P

What did they do when they realized they were visible?

I know what you mean, I shouldn't even be online right now. I have so much work though that my brain is hitting a hard abort. And it's all due tomorrow...I wonder what a few more hours and more pressure will bring. :(

Apparently the links do not work but trust me, they are there (I also found "Opulent" :P).

+1 for swatches

What's your speed? It would be interesting to see how much you could download under ideal conditions if downloading continuously. Heck, I'm going to have to do that for my connection now.

+1 for "pray tell"

Sorry in advance: