
Man do I love the “power imbalance” briar patch. Literally no way to escape it. If you’re a successful actor dating a fan? Power imbalance. If you’re a not-particularly successful actor dating a non-actor? Power imbalance. If you’re a not-particularly successful actor dating another not-particularly successful actor?

My “meh” feelings about Beyonce have nothing to do with getting old.

This is not a case of people angry that “kids these days with their hippity-hop music don’t know what the jazz is all about”. Beyonce has been around for like 25 years. The average age of her fans has to be pushing 40.

“Honestly, it’s worth celebrating that someone so wealthy, talented, and seasoned could have kicked her feet up on a yacht off the Amalfi coast but instead chose to spend her time building the museum.”

Beyonce is the most overrated musician of the past 25 years, not an original talent, not a writer and not a supirior vocalist. Curator my ass. Lemonade was mid and Adele obviously deserved the win over it. 

Fortunately, her Dubai payoff will help this poor, unheralded and - according to her own self-created imagery - messianic figure cope with any award snub.

So if a movie pays to have commericals everywhere so there no way you could possible have not heard about it, its fine... but if someone calls you and says hey watch the movie I was in and please tell others about it, thats potentially breaking the rules.

So under the guise of populism and social justice, powerful corporations and firms are actually looking out for their own interests? Sounds about right.

Honestly, even if her performance was crap, I’d still find it difficult to care, considering that the majority of nominations are backed by multi-million dollar campaigns by well-connected studios.

‘Baldwin as actor’ - Shouldn’t be considered guilty. It’s not in the purview, nor expected skill set, of an actor to be able to tell if a prop weapon is live or not - especially when they’re *not* pursuing manslaughter charges against the person who actually loaded the live rounds into the prop.

‘Baldwin as producer’

I didn’t watch it but I’m annoyed at a part reported which seems to try to make someone else responsible for Monteith’s relapse which lead to his death. The story from the hairdresser is apparently Monteith started drinking again because a costar “gave him permission” at a party.

No Niles No Deal

It goes without saying that any pregnant 10 year old girl has been raped. It shouldn’t take Rokita more than 2 brain cells to work that out. Yet, these are the galaxy brains who are in charge of our lives. Rokita does not care one bit for the privacy of the violated 10 year old girl. If he did, he would not be using

What?! I wasn’t happy about living in a world with a man who ate 40 chickens in 40 days, but I at least thought I could count on one thing, that he wasn’t lying about having eaten 40 chicken in 40 days.

These puriteens get the literal shakes over anything that might be vaguely *problematique*. I swear to God if we have to relitigate the sex force with these little turds...

it’s a weird zone because on the one hand when i remember being 20, having friends date 30 year olds was almost always creepy and ill-advised, but on the other hand maybe that’s part of the learning process? it’s a weird line and everything being called “grooming” or “problematic” can often wash out things that are

billie is an adult and can make her own decisions. the outrage over a 20 year old woman dating a 30 year old man feels more misogynist and patriarchal than the actual act itself tbh. 

jesse rutherford and billie eilish seen holding hands is literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to me”

“jesse rutherford was alive during george h w bush’s presidency”

Go Angela! Also, can we please stop comparing everyone to Hitler? How will we recognize Hitler 2 when the next one actually makes it to the stage. People are racist, sexist, mentally ill, fucking stupid, backwards, phobic - on and on- oh spoiled narcissist who think they matter the most, but not all of them are