
I mean, the punchline of the joke didn’t seem to be that Ned from the Try Guys isn’t a jerk, but that the amount of coverage by mainstream news networks is perhaps outsized given the actual happenings in the world and maybe everyone should be a little more keyed in to things like what’s going on in Iran.

“Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! You will have a blast!” Eichner says. “And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don’t get this opportunity often.”

Well there’s little to no advertising for it as far as I can tell. Also there are a lot of us who have exactly 0 interest in rom-coms no matter if they’re straight or gay.

Sounded like there was a settlement out of court right? Which, good for the family for getting recompense. Sounds like part of the settlement was to issue that statement, which is such a strange statement. 

Why does that guy on the right look like he can be teleported into a city he’s never been to before and within five minutes find someone from which he can score meth?

She was already (a tasteful and carefully curated) beige and insipid before Harry. I remember reading her blog before it got scrubbed from the internet and it was basically a less high-end, PC Goop with some Canadian references. She was a mediocre at best actress on a really fluffy and forgettable show.

I haven’t paid much attention to Markle. Never knew who she even was before Harry, like most people. I’m certain she experienced racism once they started dating and got married. I’m sure it was a huge, difficult adjustment from the life she had before. All true. I’m sure that experience made her suicidal, much like it

From what you describe here the podcast is ironically enough the exact sort of beige unoffensive stuff she complained about being limited to as one of the lesser reasons she and Harry quit the big show.

So diversity hires only count if they’re infallibly perfect representatives of their real world identities? You all gonna keep trying to find dumb fucking reasons to ‘cancel’ this show until something sticks, eh? Keep trying, this excuse is even weaker than the last few.

It is really strange how folks treat this situation as so black and white, right? Like, I was on board with ‘free Britney’ for the reasons you said, plus it was a pretty extreme example of a conservatorship under CA law (and that alone should warrant a bit more scrutiny).

It’s a very complicated situation and it was very sick how everyone on Earth decided they knew what was best for Britney Spears during the whole “Free Britney” fad.

I think the backlash to Sweeney is silly but can Trump supporters stop wearing their MAGA clothing to birthday parties and weddings? Can you not be political in anyway for like four hours? And I know some people are going to respond and say the LGBTQ community does this but anecdotally I don’t agree.

On an intellectual level I understand why that isn’t done more, but damn do I wish studios would take chances like that. Take something that has a solid core but fell down somewhere like execution, casting, timing, whatever, and try to do that core justice.

As much as I love Buffy and even with all the Whedon drama, would still call it one of my favorite shows, this does not make me sad. I’m not glad for it either. I’m really more like, “Probably for the best.” 🤷‍♀️

Meh. As others have pointed out, the whole appeal of the Addams family is, despite their appearance and interests, the Addamses are more gracious, open-minded, and well-adjusted than any “normal” suburban nuclear family. Wednesday wouldn’t be above scaring the hell out of a water polo team, but attempted mass murder

I love this trailer, but I’m sort of bummed the whole series isn’t about her adventures at a school as ominously named as Nancy Reagan High. I feel like there’s a lot more fun to be had there, than sending her off to Hogwarts Nevermore Academy.

Yeah, I guess the argument is it was tacky to put focus on her dress and make light of the slap, but also...who cares? She went to an awards show that, by all usual accounts, is a place to be seen and show off your look. It’s not her fault the slap heard round the world happened. And she gave it more weight than a lot

“here’s a picture of my dress at the show where we are apparently assaulting people on stage now.

It’s in NY. I am sure he will fit that in.

He’s had an absolutely insane career that pretty much has never had a low point. Sure he did some flop movies, but he's always been held in very high regards for like 40 years straight now it's nuts.