
Credentials typically exist for a reason beyond snob-vs-slob gatekeeping. I would 1000% want and expect a neighbor to be credentialed and have the appropriate clearances before digging a giant pit next door. This isn’t someone being uptight about a few pink flamingos in the yard or a garishly pained mailbox; there’s

Eh, I still feel bad for him. Killing someone by accident is the kinda thing that haunts you. He was one of many producers and those can be vanity credits anyway. It seems unlikely it was his call to have live ammunition on set for some reason.

Well, it was nice of them to give him another shot.

Exactly. I am not the sweepstakes type but I would have assumed that all relevant info were easily accessible on the interwebs.

I remember discovering Cyberpunk literature at a young age, and while some of it was quite good, I don’t think I ever once thought that it would be cool to live in that kind of dystopian environment.

It’s a feature-length commerical for a flavour sold by a chip brand.

Fuck tipping. Enough of this bullshit. Stop blaming customers when employers refuse to pay their workers.

Sounds like this exhibit is very on-brand.

It’s not a grandfather fetish, it’s a short-game inheritance fetish.

It’s not about the money. Come on. It’s at least a little bit about the money. Mick Jagger, Al Pacino, a literal billionaire investor. She isn’t just dating random grandpas living on SSI.

As I understand it, male fertility tends to *sharply* decline after a man turns 50 or so—it declines somewhat throughout the 40's, but it really starts to dip after 50.

Ugh Ezra Miller. He does have a lot of talent, and I have great sympathy for people with addictions (even rich celebs!) but I think the whole cult and abuse thing should disqualify Ezra from The Life. (Then again, it hasn’t hurt Tom Cruise!)

That and, while I’m not claiming to be any better, her acting range was based mostly on her physical appearance if I recall. Even Jennifer Collage was able to go beyond being Stiffler’s mom.

I mean, some celebs with EXTREME talent manage to work consistently despite going through substance abuse problems on the regular; Robert Downey Jr. came back from a downward career spiral that would have killed a less likeable and good actor and got a second life. Russell Crowe had a bunch of public drunk and

There is a fraction of folks on the left who make using the “violence” to mean “inflicting any sort of harm or distress” to be a sort of in-group signifier.  In-group signifiers are often goofy, and this one seems particularly so.  Occasionally someone will try to mainstream this definition of “violence”, which

Yes, I suspect that as well.  “Was it me being a gigantic mess that cost me roles or my failure to NOT be a gigantic mess?  Surely the latter,” thought Tara.

“My acting career didn’t take off like I wanted it to because I didn’t get married and have kids” is some next level cope. Her career is a result of her professional output, not her reproductive output.

I don’t know if this true. Like didn’t Sandra Bullock wait until her 40s to get married? Tara Reed doesn’t seem particularly talented to me. She did show up to several red carpets high though.

There are a lot of horrifying aspects of IBLP but here’s the one that, to me, best represents their insanity: IBLP women, like the Duggars, are expected to wear their hair long and curly (permed, if they don’t have naturally curly hair). Why? Because Bill Gothard thought women looked most beautiful with long, curly

Ugh. Behind the Bastards did a pretty good episode on the Christian Dominionists that covered the Duggars’ sickening church. It was bad enough to listen to. Not sure I could watch it. Abuse aside, there’s nothing like encouraging people to have so many children so quickly that the seven year-old is essentially looking